Well, skip to last Thursday, and Dad calls. "Guess what?"
"Um... what?"
"They have the price posted on that car and guess how much?"
Now, I think Dad was calling just to be informative. He had no idea how serious I was about buying a Mustang. I've wanted one for as long as I can remember. But they were either too expensive to too trashed to think seriously about it. So, I'm thinking it was going to be a lot, cuz it was on the outside, almost flawless.
"It's $7500," Dad says.
What?! Ok! Done!
Wait... does it run? It probably doesn't even run. *heart sinks*
"Wow, Dad. That's a really good price. But it probably won't happen. Thanks for calling about it tho."
Next, I tell Tony about it. He gets this look in his eye and says, "Well, lets find out some more about it."
We call the dealership. It is a vehicle they're selling on consignment and have dropped the price cuz the guy who owns it found another car to work on, but can't get it till this Mustang sells. He just did a lot of work on this one and it runs well and looks good outside. The interior needs work, tho.
Now what? "You want to check it out, don't you," Tony notes.
Getting a loan isn't a problem. So the very next day, we're on our way to Billings to see if this is too good to be true. The deal was if there was even one little problem with it, no sale. Tony searched and prodded and poked; no problems. The outside has a few minor chips, but it runs beautifully. The interior does need help, but that is doable. Now to drive 300 miles home with it. Ugh. Is this a mistake? We stopped frequently to check fluid levels. It didn't burn any oil, the transmission remains odorless, and we even got 23 miles to the gallon! Granted, we were getting passed by everyone, but no need to hurry. We did so well, that Tony let me drive it the last leg home. I was on cloud 9 that last 60 miles home! And I've been ever since! Thanks, honey!
A side note, we drove down Main Street and the Metra (sorry can't call it Rimrock Auto Arena) and down many of those streets that were flooded in not even 24 hours before that storm hit on Sunday. As we drove on Main (we used to live in the Heights), I noted how so much had changed. I saw on the Metra billboard that Brad Paisley would be performing soon. What now of all of that? This will certainly affect the Billings economy; the Metra was always bustling with activity. It's really sad and shocking that this happened. Only glad no one was seriously hurt or killed. Tho it is amazing: I watched some footage of the tornado (scary but amazing) and how about all those people driving right by it?! Do you not see what is happening?! It's funny how disasters bring out the stupidity in all of us.
Anyway, here's some pix to drool over;)

You're looking at a very happy girl! Oh and I'm thinking of calling it Sunday (for my favorite day of the week- you know leisurely Sunday drive), or Oakley (for a great suggestion from a friend- Annie's Oakley). Still playing with some ideas, but we'll see.