Thanks to my friend, Amy. (Told you I'd "steal" this!) I love posts like this and I thought I could tie this in with my current state of being: aka Pregnancy!
I am
missing: My toes! They are down there somewhere... I can feel them, just can't see 'em!
wearing: Grey t-shirt, khaki shorts. Yes, we are finally warm enough for this kind of clothing! Thanks to my awesome sis, Marcia, who has me dressing rather well this pregnancy.
working on: Getting baby's room finished. I am almost there!
eating: Just finished some butterscotch pudding. I really don't deprive myself at all during pregnancy. Except caffeine (I miss you, old friend *sniff*).
dreaming of: Anything but this baby! Is it weird I have had not ONE dream about this kid?! I had tons about Aria and I remember them all well... mostly. I haven't had one this whole pregnancy. It's okay, I guess, just weird.
realizing: Today is June 13... WHAT?!?!?! This month is WAY TOO BUSY!
impatiently waiting for: June 27... prenatal appointment and hopefully we can find out for sure if this baby is a boy or girl!
anticipating: The arrival of this baby about the same time Aria starts kindergarten.
loving: The fact that I have not gained any where near the weight I did with Aria (yet!) and have no new stretch marks!!! Yay!
thinking about: How tired I feel, but am too busy to do anything about it! Seriously, Aria has basketball camp, T-ball, VBS, swimming lessons all crammed in this month on top of Tony and my already busy schedule. We have a major activity going on every day of this month, I kid you not. It's fine, actually, but wow! And Aria just finished soccer.
feeling: uncomfortable. I think it's called Braxton-Hicks. I don't recall having them with Aria, so this is new territory for me. And this baby kicks
hard and it hurts! I also like how I grunt every time I bend over: *hum-phrah!* Nice. How attractive am I right now?!
listening to: Some "old school" Reality Check. Good stuff, Good memories! (thanks again, Shosh!)
reading: Believe it or not, I am actually reading a book right now (don't give me too much credit tho, I've had it for a few months and am not quite half way thru). Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover. Getting some good ideas and prepping for some major changes in the Miller house, finance wise!