Aww... nice! Here's a nice look at my Mother's Day present. I was gonna ask for one for my birthday, but that is a long ways a way and when your husband asks what you'd like for Mother's Day, well, sometimes you just gotta be honest! My sister, Marcia, has one of these and I loved it! She even helped me pick this one out on-line! (I love our 2 hour long "shopping" fests... you do what ya gotta do when you live too far away from each other!) So now, if anyone who reads this and is in close proximity to me at any time, come over for some yummy coffee!

Also a pic of Aria with my Mother's Day flowers. If you don't know me that well, I am totally digging the "vase" the flowers are in... *hint, hint* if you can't see it, it's a Victorian boot vase.