Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Week 13 follow up... maybe I'll take care of Week 14 too!

So the Giants decided to show up and play on Sunday. Did they take it to the Redskins or what?! I was right about Brett again: if he's out (and he was Sunday in the 1st quarter), the Vikes would be a better team. I picked the Bills, but only because I couldn't predict Brett leaving the game with an injury. But let me get this straight: the guy can play on a broken ankle, with a broken finger, among numerous other injuries, but a shoulder sprain knocks the guy out?! Oh, ooookay. Anyone else find this odd? I honestly don't know what Peyton was on for the Cowgirls game. Maybe he felt sorry for the poor blokes and gave them the win. Either way, it was one of the worst games I have seen Peyton play. Cowgirls happened to benefit from that. I about nailed it for the Falcons/Bucs game! While the Falcons are good, are they that good? Steelers eeked out this one and it was a surprising low scoring game. I did think that the no call when Ben got his nose broke/bent was blatant on the refs part, but I still won't pity the Steelers for it. And what happened Monday night?! The Jets could only muster a field goal to the Pats 45?! Have I fallen for the Jets big talk and no follow thru AGAIN!?! I have tried really hard to give them the upper hand all season and this game was an embarrassment. I hope Rex Ryan likes eating humble pie; he got a lot of it Monday. Now, do I think the Pats are the real deal. Not yet. But I'm thinking more seriously about it.

Week 14

Colts @ Titans: As injuries continue to mount for the Colts, the bigger question is what is up with Peyton? Is it because offensive coordinator Tom Moore semi-retiring is taking it's toll? It's it because of RB Joseph Addai's absence to take some pressure off the passing game? The Colts are still in playoff contention, but a little. A win would help, and I think they can against the Titans, who between team drama and pathetic offense (tho Kerry Collins return this week may help), Colts chances are good. Colts by 6.

Raiders @ Jaguars: These 2 teams have surprising records! The Jags continue to win. The Raiders have a 6-6 record. It's really something. This could be a very good game! I believe David Garrard is a little more consistent, so I give the Jags the upper hand by 4.

Giants @ Vikings: At this point, I don't know if Brett will start on Sunday. It would be to the Vikes great advantage if he didn't. If he doesn't, Vikes have a good chance of winning. If he does start, Vikes lose, no question. The Giants came off a huge win last weekend, but their history for the 2nd half of the season lately has been dismal. So, here's some wishy-washy-ness for ya: If Brett plays, Giants win by 7. If Brett sits this one out, Vikes win by 7.

Chiefs @ Chargers: The only thing going for the Chargers this week is that they're at home. The Chiefs look pretty decent this year. I don't think the Chargers have the dominance the Chiefs do. Even will hot-head QB Rivers in command. Chiefs by 9.

Broncos @ Cardinals: In my humble opinion, letting Josh McDaniels go was a big mistake. Granted, the Broncos are a better teams than their 3-9 record would say. Wasn't McDaniels the IT coach just last season? How things change! The one thing I don't like about upper management in the NFL is that it doesn't really give coaching staff and players time to get all the kinks ironed out. If you don't have a winning team, you're out. For example, I really believe the reason the Chiefs are doing so well is because Herm Edwards built the team that it is now. He couldn't win while he was rebuilding, so he got the boot. The current coach gets all the accolades for work he really didn't do. Same situation in Denver. McDaniels was rebuilding. Did he make some questionable trades? Sure, but who knew Vince Young would be such a flop in Tennessee? It's all really a guessing game. Teams who lack consistency in leadership will suffer long term. The Broncos are the latest in this category. I hope McDaniels will find a home that gives him the chance he deserves. Anyway, Denver, may have interim coach luck on their side, so I give them the win by 4.

Eagles @ Cowgirls: So Jason Garrett is on a winning high. It won't be for long in this rival game. Eagles just are too good for the hapless Cowgirls. The Wade Phillips firing may be the only coach firing I agree with this year, but it's not enough. Michael Vick has so far, earned my respect and does he look terrific or what? He's one of the top QBs in the league as far as I'm concerned. Gone is the Michael Vick from Atlanta, who was a ball hog and disrespectful to his teammates and fans. The new Vick is a welcome and refreshing site. Eagles by 10.

Ravens @ Texans: This game could go to the wire. Both teams have many weapons on the defensive and offensive side. But Ravens have the ability to stop the Texans running game, so they'll win by 1.

Glad I got this done! Aria's Christmas program is the weekend, so it will be busy. On a fun side note, our family had a date night the other night. We did some shopping and went and saw Tangled at the theater. (this is the 3rd movie I've seen in a theater since Aria was born!) Tangled is highly recommended in this house and we had so much fun. The one question we kept asking each other on the ride home is, "why don't we do this more often?!". Well, hopefully we will more in the future.