Saturday, December 4, 2010

Week 13 (??!!!) picks

I can hardly keep up with anything... time is just flying by! Here we are already into week 13 . The Eagles handles the Texans pretty well Thursday night. We see what unfolds on Sunday; as the season has shown us so far, there is no sure bet one week to the next.

Redskins @ Giants: I puzzle over these two teams. One week, they seem tough as nails, the next, like they don't even know what a football looks like. It's so unpredictable. But, you know these guys are in good company; a lot of teams look like that this year. I think the Giants have the edge at home and will win by 10.

Bills @ Vikings: Oh, tell me a tale of two losers. One from the east and one with a beast. The beast you ask, well it must be the Bills, but no! it's Brett and all his drama with frills!! Hows that poem workin' for ya? I tell ya, nothing improves for the Vikes till Brett takes a hike. -Supposedly, he's "done" after this season *wink, wink*. Bills by 7.

Cowgirls @ Colts: "Dear Santa, Thank you for granting my wish of the Cowgirl having a lousy season. I am also glad to see you got my message about Brett. There will be some yummy cookies waiting for you for sure this year. Sincerely, a Cowgirl-loather." You see, I must've been a very good girl this year! Colts by 12.

Falcons @ Buccaneers: The Falcons may be the dark horse in the NFC. Their record of 9-2 is pretty impressive and has been mostly overlooked as far as I can tell. The Bucs are too bad this year either, but they don't have enough to stop the Falcons who are on a mission to prove something. Falcons by 4.

Steelers @ Ravens: This is always a great match up. These two teams bring it with their defense every game, however, tho it will be low scoring, the Steelers have more offensively to go with than the Ravens. Not that I enjoy pulling for the Steelers, who are turning into more of a whine and moan circus at their press conferences than anything. If Hines Ward and James Harrison sniffle anymore about how rough they have it, I will demand to know what color of panties they wear every game: Pink with lace or purple My Little Pony. Sheesh, grow a pair! Steelers by 9.

Jets @ Patriots: Here's the deal: there is talk that the Patriots are a shoe-in for the Super Bowl. Why?! I know they always a good team. But I haven't been convinced yet. It's any one's Bowl, and if the Jets win on Monday, perhaps talk will shift their way. If they lose, Patriots may have an easier time of it than I think. All I know is that I've given the Jets a chance and here is another! Prove me right about the Pats and then we'll talk! Jets by 6.