Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Football and Facebook

In what has been a rather hard week, some happy news brightened my day today. The NFL is back on! And it's coming out guns a-blazin'! Free agency is happening like mad, trades and deals are being made like every minute. I'm so happy to know the season will start without too much a hitch. I kind of thought it might, but there was always that "what if" in the back of my head. So, yay football! I hope the league has enough sense to try and make it up to us crazy, loyal fans somehow. We love the game, but the greed and attitude shown these last few months was a bit disturbing.

Speaking of disturbing, I have come across something that really has been bugging me and I need to get it off my grumpy chest. For the last week, I've been sort of updating Tony's facebook profile, per his request to keep facebook "friends" posted on the latest. He has 99 "friends" on there. Do you know how many people of these supposed "friends" sent well wishes for his surgery? Um, like 11. Wow! Nice to know people care. So I did some further research/stalking. Some of you who read this were my "victims". Some of you have 100's (REALLY?!) of "friends". You may have had a birthday recently; not even half of your "friends" wished you a happy birthday! I would think that if a person were my "friend", they could at least wish me a happy birthday or wish me well on a rather major surgical event. This bothers me greatly. Maybe it's why I shun facebook. Why have a "friend" when all they're really concerned about is updating their own profile to mention what they did for fun all weekend while their "friend" suffered in a hospital with no mention of "hey take care, buddy" or "thinking about you". It's a self-serving, self-promoting piece of garbage in my book. And, perhaps, I would become a hypocrite and self-promote myself if I were to get a facebook account. Maybe that is the underlying theme with facebook. But it bothers me. One can chose to ignore or acknowledge someone elses issues at will. Now I'll be reasonable; a post of "went to the store and bought groceries" (while stupid) doesn't need a response. But to me, a post of "having surgery today. wish me luck" requires a response, esp. if that person is a close friend... someone who would have the honor of being my facebook "friend". Just saying. Same thing with a birthday or other major life event. This is a chance to send your thoughts and best wishes to that person, since you can't do it in person. Or do I have a weird expectation of facebook and what it should be? Is it mostly to let people know how you are and that's it? "Who cares about your life, cuz mine is too important... look how popular I am with all my "friends""!!! That is the message I got this past weekend with facebook. Yes, most of you are on my guilty list too. Sorry, but either be a friend and send along your wishes, or don't bother friend requesting if all you're worried about is NOT checking in on all 30082 "friends" you have to keep up with on freakin' facebook! BTW, this includes emails and phone calls, too. Don't be a stranger and call to check up on your 8 months pregnant friend (who to say is feeling overwhelmed would be an understatement... listen to the song Sinking by Jars of Clay to get where I'm coming from right now) caring for her incapacitated husband and 5 year old daughter who doesn't understand why mommy and daddy can't play with her like normal!

Tony will be having surgery again August 1. The doc was able to get at only 60% of the stone in his left kidney. The stone (or rock) is 2 inches x 3 inches (yes, inches!). They were using a rather new machine to bust the stone into smaller pieces. The doc didn't count on the stone being that large, so it took longer for them to get at it. Tony was in surgery for about 4 1/2 hours. Tony started bleeding, so the doc decided to stop the procedure. He'll go after the remaining 40% and the right kidney the next surgery and then hopefully Tony can start to recover! Tony has a nephrostomy tube into both kidneys. He's in a lot of pain and can tolerate standing for only a few minutes at a time. I miss my Tony. He stays in bed almost all day as that is where he's most comfortable. Poor guy. It's hard to watch someone suffer and not be able to do anything about it. I truly hope his next procedure the doc can clean everything out and then Tony can start the healing process. August 18 will be here before we know it! And then, the fun begins... not that I'm not having "fun" now.