Tuesday, August 9, 2011

There IS light at the end of the tunnel!

Weeelll, after 3, count 'em, 3! surgeries, Tony may be done. The first surgery got 60% of the 2 inch x 3 inch stone. He started bleeding, so the doc stopped the procedure. The 2nd surgery they cleared out the other kidney and got a little bit more of the bigger stone. The time in between each surgery was a week. Tony was pretty much bed bound and to stand and walk to the bathroom and back was too painful for him to bear. I was doing dressing changes every other day and monitoring his tube sites into his back. The right side liked to plug up a lot, so I was flushing that frequently, too. The 3rd surgery, this past Monday, they blasted the remaining large stone and manually removed it. According to the doctor, they cleaned him out as much as they could. That means there is more in there, but they can't get to it and it is most likely "stuck" and will either stay there or eventually work itself out. We have a follow up appointment with the doc this Thursday, where they will take some x-rays and determine if they are done and hopefully, remove the 2 nephrostomy tubes. I think then, Tony will feel next to 100% better. It has been very hard. Tony is not one to sit around the house. It pretty much drives him crazy. I have to admit, I felt like I was doing pretty good till after the 2nd surgery and the doc said there was more to come. I lost it that day. All I could picture was me sitting alone in the operating room, getting ready for baby to come and Tony was in another hospital somewhere else. I never wanted to be a single mom!! I know it sounds dramatic, but my mind and probably hormones went there that day. The tunnel was long and very black. No light. I was also unable to be with Tony that day as I had to work. His parents were with him, and while I know they were looking after him quite well, to not be there myself, I felt helpless and hopeless. But, I had my little moment, and things got better. I am really grateful to Tony's family for their awesome support and help they have been. My sister, Marcia sent tons of flowers and balloons and called ALOT, which was wonderful. My mom came up for a few days and helped out around the house, too. It all was such a blessing. I am very anxious to talk to the doc about long term plans and what, if anything, we can do for our kids as far as heredity is concerned. We powered thru! I am one exhausted, very pregnant lady tho. But, I'd do it forever if I had to. No one can care for my husband like I can!

So, onto baby stuff. I am scheduled for a c-section August 18 at 7:30 am. I had my pre-op visit with the surgeon yesterday and I really liked him. Tony was having his final surgery that day, so he couldn't be there, and I wished he had been. I had heard some things about this doc and I was a little nervous to meet him. Thankfully, I was quite wrong and the guy was very informative, and very friendly. No worries! Until Tony is 100% (and his has like 9 days to get there!), I really have been in a holding-like mode. No baby till he's better, I'd say. I can say now that I'm ready! I am very excited to meet her and see what she will look like, what her personality will be like. How different will her and Aria be, how similar? If there is one thing that makes me sad thru all of this is how will Aria and my relationship change, if at all? For the last 5 and 1/2 years, it's been her and me. Granted, she'll be starting kindergarten and I'm sure that will keep her somewhat occupied, but I just wonder how different our lives will be. I know it'll probably be okay, like everything else ends up being, but it's something I've thought alot about lately. I have to keep reminding myself I wondered about this same thing when it was just Tony and I. Life just made sense after Aria was born. The transition from a family of 2 to a family of 3 was hardly a transition at all. It actually felt natural and right. So, I have to have faith that addition number 4 will be the same way.

Thanks to everyone who has kept us in your prayers and thoughts lately. I've been too busy to personally thank all of you, but please know that I really appreciate all my family and friends. Your prayers and concern have literally kept us going!