No denying it, Aria is very proud of her little sister!
Welcome to the world and to our family Taryn Kennedy. She weighed in at 9 lbs. 3 oz., is 20 inches long. She is pretty mellow, so far. I have to say that Tony and I make pretty good looking babies, but I'm a bit biased! I am feeling better, the pain isn't quite as intense. We'll be staying in the hospital one more day as Taryn's bilirubin count is up, so she's "tanning" under a bililite for the day and they want to check her levels tomorrow to see if she needs to go home with the bililite or not. AND, Tony had another surgery done this morning in Great Falls. He had a stent placed in his left ureter and the day after Taryn was born, he started getting worse and worse pain in the area. He couldn't take it, and since we were already in the hospital, I told him to go to the ER and have it checked out. A CT showed the stent was plugged with stones again. So, his doctor had Tony come down early this morning to clean him out. From what I hear, this should be it for stones. But Tony usually feels pretty rough after surgery, so my doctor and I agreed I should just stay in the hospital one more night. I'll tell you what, we will really appreciate normal health once we all start feeling better. I am so grateful for Tony's family: Dustin drove Tony down to Great Falls, Craig brought our camper home for us as Tony couldn't today, Heidi has been so good about checking in on me and watching our dogs and Rick and Debbie have had Aria all weekend so she didn't have to hang out at a hospital again (2nd home away from home lately!). We are so blessed with all our families and are even more blessed to have a healthy, beautiful little girl to bring home!