This picture is a rarity at night! Taryn is a pretty mellow baby, she just has her days and nights mixed up a bit. At least she doesn't keep us up every night. It's more like every other night. But, this momma needs her sleep... every night. Aria was the complete opposite; slept all night, every night. I know babies can do this, but I'm not used to it. However, no matter how tired I am, there's something that is very tranquil about feeding a baby at 2 in the morning with the TV quietly on in the background. I almost enjoy those moments with my Ter-bear.
This baby gift from a friend made me smile, BIG TIME! I love these and want a pair for myself! Now, I know I have been down right pathetic about posting my NFL picks and such this year. I have no good excuse for it (I could say I'm busy, but I do spend a fair amount each day on the computer. I just keep saying I'll do it later... and I don't). I have been watching it, and my '9ers are doing pretty well, I'd say. The Cowgirls are choking, to my delight. I am so disappointed that Peyton Manning is out, possibly for good. I am so glad I was able to see him play in person last February, tho. Anyway, no guarantees on when or even if I'll get to my picks any time soon, but, in case you've forgotten, as long as the 49ers are winning and the Cowgirls are losing, I'm a pretty happy girl! (on a recent newsworthy note: join me in buying Hank Williams Jr. music as I think ESPN has lost their minds. Talk about blowing a statement out of proportion! He did NOT compare Obama to Hilter, he likened it... big difference. If you don't understand that, your English teacher failed you miserably. I'm afraid a lot of today's media English and Journalism teachers failed them, tho.)
Try to guess if this is Aria or Taryn! It's Taryn, but the resemblance of these 2 is uncanny! I look forward to watching Taryn grow and see the changes and similarities between her and Aria.
I'm back to work and my mom is visiting for a few weeks to help with that transition. Aria likes kindergarten for the most part. Tony is very busy still catching up with work put on hold during his kidney stone saga. He is feeling pretty good, but gets tired pretty easily still. And can you believe it's October?! I put out our Halloween decorations this past weekend and it just didn't feel right. Granted, we were jipped out of a nice summer, but considering all that has happened, it really flew by! *probably a good thing, too!*