I love this band and am so excited to get their new album (it releases October 24!). I so rarely purchase CDs, esp. in the era of downloads, but some bands (note I said BANDS) deserve it and Coldplay is one of them. I'm contemplating a special trip to Havre just to buy it!
Just because baby Lisa is getting more press in her disappearance has nothing to do with race! That grandma in Glendale, AZ has every right to be upset on her granddaughter's disappearance, too. But to suggest it's race based is plain stupid. Tho she is getting some national media attention now. Baby Lisa's case is puzzling and the parents behavior is bewildering; that's why they are getting more press. Jahessye's mom did act negligently and I truly hope that adorable little girl is found safe and sound, but there is nothing race based on coverage. Unfortunately, it's luck of the draw. I guess this is the age of Obama... this is the hope and change people wanted, right?
Speaking of that, have you heard about the insane mom in Seattle? The Air Force Veteran who strongly opposed her daughter saying the Pledge of Allegiance every morning at school? Check this quote out: "It pains me to think that at a school that emphasizes thinking globally we would institute something that makes our children think that this country alone is where their allegiance lies," said Haley Sides. "This has no educational value for young children. Absolutely none." The article later states that According to the paper, the pledge will be read over the PA system every Monday and recited in individual classrooms the other days of the week. Students who don't want to participate will be allowed to sit or stand respectfully. What is the issue. Oh! Haley Sides, 26, moved to Seattle after four years in the Air Force so her 6-year-old daughter could attend John Stanford International School, which promotes the same multiculturalism that Sides says she has tried to instill in her half-Jamaican daughter, according to the paper.
But Sides became angry when the school’s new principal announced that students will be asked to recite the Pledge of Allegiance each day before the start of classes. The policy, which has long been mandated by district policy but not traditionally observed at John Stanford , will start Monday. (Italics taken from foxnews.com) Never mind this school is located in America and John Stanford International School is an award-winning Seattle public elementary school. That last phrase is taken directly from the JSIS website. This woman, while clearly narrow-minded, has no case here. A silly thing to cry over, in my humble (and correct!) opinion. I am really tired of the few, yet very loud, intolerant individuals who think others are treading on their rights. What about those who WANT to say the pledge? What about their rights? What about those who want the Jesus statue to stay up at Big Mountain. What about their rights? So you don't believe in Jesus? It doesn't align with your way of thinking? So you think no one should have the privilege to enjoy their beliefs if you can't enjoy yours? I'm over people like you. Sit quietly and meditate on yourself (cuz people with your "belief" system are quite self-centered) and let those of us, who live in the land of the free and the ability to worship how we please, alone!
How 'bout them '9ers?! 5-1, people. Not bad. And I'm pleasantly surprised. The handshake between Harbaugh and Lions Coach Schwartz was a bit unprofessional, but was totally overblown. I watched it happen and Harbaugh was greeting everyone in his radius with the same exuberance. Granted, he should've toned it down for Schwartz, but to say that it was intentionally disrespectful is a bit much. I am biased, maybe, but I saw no reason for all the hoopla. Both coaches have taken teams with losing seasons and turned it around in less than a year. There's a lot of competitiveness and tension on either side. I actually liked the abrasiveness of it; this is football people! Not pansy-ball. Let's get excited and play with passion. That is what I saw after that game. It was somewhat refreshing.
I'm so excited for this coming Wednesday! Womens basketball for adult ed. I'm only hoping the women in the area don't go lame-sauce on me and skip out. If people don't show, they won't continue it. Even if you're out of shape (I know I am, but I'm working on it), just come. It's for fun... don't let me down, ladies!! Please!
Taryn is in the midst of her first cold. It's not too bad, she's mostly congested, but when babies are obligate nose-breathers, simple tasks like eating are very difficult! Poor thing! I've stocked up on Vicks Rub and Vapor to add to her humidifier in her room, but still. A couple parents, who clearly have no ability to read or common sense, over dosed their babies, so now apparently all parents will do this, so no medication to alleviate your child's symptoms. It's just like anything else in our sue-happy society: one person ruins it for everyone. My poor Ter-bear, sorry a few numbnuts ruined it for you!
To end on a fun note, I have some fun news: I'm going to dye my hair! We were watching TV the other day and during one of the commercials, Tony stops and says, "You see that chick in the commercial?" "Yeah, what about it?" "Well, I like her hair. You should try something like that." Seriously, he said that! I had thought all this time he liked my blonde hair. Well, he does, he just thinks I'd like to try something new. He's right. I always, tho never really successfully, like to change my look. I'd never considered coloring it. Till just last week. I'm defiantly gonna go with something bold. If I've been given the green light, I'm not going subtle! If I get around to it later, maybe I'll post ideas on here for fun and possible feedback. It'll be fun and I can't wait to see people's reaction! "*tsk* Oh! What did you do to your pretty hair?!" Maybe I'll be a great brunette or redhead...