Sunday, November 20, 2011

30 Days of Thankfulness

First off, I am such a slacker in the NFL department. I'm really sorry for this. And it would be such a great year for me to post stuff as my '9ers have one of the best records in the league! I've been watching regularly, however, so I am fully aware of what is going on and such. I'm truly missing Peyton Manning, as I'm sure the Colts nation is too.

Now, on to other things! As you should know, Thanksgiving is this Thursday. We are going to Billings to celebrate with my family. I honestly can't remember the last time I spent Thanksgiving or Christmas with them in Billings. I am really looking forward to this trip. As we get ready to reflect on how blessed we are, I thought I'd post mine here, one for each day of the month of November. I could probably go past 30 easily, but these stand out the most.

1. I am thankful for our beautiful daughter, Taryn Kennedy, born this year. She is healthy, sweet, and such a joy to our family.

2. I am thankful for my husband's health. It's sad how a major medical issue can make you appreciate a "normal" healthy day. This year has been a challenge for us, for sure, but we're stronger than ever as a couple and I am so glad Tony has recovered almost 100%!

3. I am so thankful for my family! They really are the reason we made it thru this year. Rick, Debbie, Dustin, Kim, Craig, and Heidi went above and beyond for us. I don't know if we'll ever be able to repay them or know how truly grateful I am for each of them. My mom and dad, and my awesome sister, Marcia checked on us often, send cards and balloons/flowers. Tho they weren't here all the time, their prayers and support were just as meaningful. But over all of that, they are all wonderful people to not only know, but be related to!

4. I am thankful for my friends. So many of them called or emailed to check on me. I want to single out a few as their friendship means more to me than anything. To Kris, no matter how long we go between face to face visits, we just pick up where we left off! I love that about us! To Amy, your emails always make me smile and I learn so much from you - your a wonderful example of a mom to me! To Joette, our friendship has really grown this past year. We are kindred spirits! To my sister, Marcia, you are my sister and greatest friend. I can express any thoughts or emotions to you and you just get me. You are a great listener, great advice giver, great mom, great everything. I'm so lucky to be your sister! To Heidi, as an adult, I was always looking for that "perfect" friend; someone to drink coffee with, someone to laugh about the silliest things with, share the latest with. My search ended when I met you. You really are my best friend! Thank you, ladies:). I'm a better person cuz I know all of you.

5. I am thankful for my jobs. I have 3 of them and enjoy the all tremendously. My home health job is fun and I really look forward to every day I go there. I have made some really great friends at the foot clinic and art center. These jobs keep me busy and grateful to be able to contribute financially to our family.

6. I am thankful for our vehicles. They run well and in about 18 months, will be paid off! I'm also thankful I have my dream car, '65 Mustang!

7. I am thankful for our warm, spacious home. Well, I could use an extra room or 2, but all and all, I love my house. It's fun to keep up and improve.

8. I am thankful for my husband, Tony. We met when I was 17. I have known and been with him for almost half of my life already! And you know what, I love him more and more the longer I'm with him. He is probably the funniest person I know, he tries very hard to be good to me, he is an excellent daddy, he's so handy around the house. He's the perfect husband. I'm blessed he chose me as his wife.

9. I am so thankful for Aria and Taryn. I was sick the other day and Aria was a little nurse to me. She was so sympathetic and helpful. She makes parenting so easy! She is just a real good kid. She's funny, sweet, and talented. I'm real blessed to be her mom. Taryn is a blessing, too. I'm learning so much as her mom, and it's so fun! I'm totally biased, but I have the best kids.

10. I'm thankful for Tony's jobs. He really is the breadwinner and he brings it! On top of being a great dad, husband, and all around fix-it guy, he's a wonderful provider for my family.

11. I'm thankful for my dogs. I really love my dogs! Sadie is over 10 years old, and it makes me sad to think that she has less time than more left with us, tho she certainly doesn't act like it. Riley is my girl. She's such a loyal dog and I love her devotion to me. Cooper, while he tries my patience, he's really a sweet dog. Aria pulls, tugs, and jumps all over him and he is very tolerant of her. That and they are all pretty good looking dogs, too. Again, I'm totally biased!

12. I'm really thankful for my parents. My dad is and always has been my hero. There's something to be said about someone when people still ask about him even tho he's been gone from this area for 13 years. My mom has a very tender spirit and sees the good in anyone or anything.

13. I'm thankful my brother came home safely from Iraq this past September. I am extremely proud of the military members of my family. It give me great pride to hang my flag in their honor every holiday.

14. I'm thankful to live in Montana. And be an American. We live in the best country in the world and the best state in the union.

15. I am thankful for my keurig coffee maker. I love that machine. It makes me delicious coffee every day. Whether it's love or addiction, I don't care! I love it!

16. I am thankful for Walmart. It has low prices and one stop shopping. I don't care who you are, there's something to be said after a long day at work and a long grocery list, to do it all in one building and then get home definitely has it's perks!

17. I am thankful for the NFL. Really. I love this game! I love the action, the suspense, all of it. I may not understand some things, but I get most of it and it's just a lot of fun for me.

18. I'm thankful our freezer is full of meat again for the year. We filled our deer tags and it's really our meat supply for the year for us.

19. I'm thankful I live in Joplin. I didn't always feels that way. We first moved here, I was one un-happy camper. But, with time and with kids, and a few people that came into my life, I am honestly content living where I do. It's safe and quiet.

20. I am thankful for smokers. Really. Next time you see a smoker thank them! They keep our taxes lower, they help pay for others health care. That is really nice of them. Granted, I'm married to one, but if there were no smokers, you and I would be paying a lot more in taxes. You better reconize and respect!

21. I'm thankful for my church and for their support this past summer. I am not able to be there often because of work and all, but I feel loved and cared for there. My desire is to help give back more, esp. once Taryn is a bit older.

22. I'm thankful that I can worship God as I wish in this country. While at times, I may feel oppressed by narrow-minded atheists and agnostics, we all are able to worship as we wish.

23. I am thankful I am a Christian. God revealed himself to me and I have been chosen by Him! Thank you Lord for a deep faith in you!

24. I am thankful for ears to hear wonderful music, eyes to see my beautiful daughters, legs to carry me thru the day, arms to hugs my husband, and voice to laugh at stupid, but humorous jokes.

25. I'm thankful for my LPN degree. I worked really hard for it and am really proud of it, too. No matter what may happen in life, I'll always have that to support myself and family.

26. I'm thankful for my TV and satellite. Is TV watching a hobby? For me, yes it is, as well as a friend and therapist. Is this healthy? Don't care.

27. I am thankful for the traveling opportunities I've had up to this point (if you know my husband, you'd understand why I'm grateful!). I've been to California, Florida, Georgia, New Mexico, Minnesota, Washington, and Hawaii.

28. I'm thankful for flat rate phone bills. When our phone company quit charging for every long distant call made, it was like winning the lottery. I can talk to my sister for hours and before these flat rates were put in place, well... our phone bills weren't very pretty. Now I talk and talk and talk, guilt free! Nice.

29. I was so thankful for the excellent care Tony and I both received while we were hospitalized. We had/have great doctors and our care was outstanding.

30. I am thankful to shoot a gun, buy a camper, ride a boat, play an organized sport, sing like a rock star in my car, pray to my Lord and Savior, sit on my deck, enjoy all 4 seasons of the year, love my family and friends, walk my dogs in a great town, state, country and have had 32 great years.

What are you thankful for? Happy Thanksgiving all!