Tuesday, November 29, 2011


My love/hate relationship with technology continues. I got an early Christmas present: Asus touch pad. It is sweet. I am really new to the app world and frankly don't know where to start. When we were in Billings, Tony waited in line at Best Buy for 5 hours to get it for me. How nice is that? It's been fun playing around with, tho. I have one app downloaded so far and it may be my only one: Angry Birds. This is the most stupidly addicting game ever!

So I've been loving that and then reality kicks in. Somehow, my email account was hacked and people on my contact list have been receiving emails from "me". It's in my name, but it's not really me. It's spam. I've gotten them from others in the past, but when it happens to you, it's a really helpless feeling. And angering. Why are there assholes out there who have nothing better to do than do stuff like this?! People like this, if caught deserve severe punishing in my book. I don't care who you are, if this is a fun hobby for you, let's erase your identity and memory for funzies and see how that feels! The microsoft people at hotmail have frozen my account for now while they verify some information I sent to them to get my account back, but it really makes me mad that I did nothing wrong and I have to suffer. What about the $#!+ who did this? What happens to them? Probably nothing. That's the thing with being online... you can be anyone at anytime. So, there's my hate. Right when I start to love technology, I'm reminded why I hate it!

So if you're reading this, and you're on my contact list, I'm sorry. I haven't emailed anyone in about a week and a half, so if you have something on your subject line from me recently, it isn't me. I was just telling someone the other day how glad I am to have the same email from day one and now it looks like it may have to change. We'll see. Again, sorry about all of this.