Thursday, April 26, 2012
Why I sort of hate the month of April
Earth Day. I hate April because of Earth Day. Look, I turn of my lights when I'm not in the room to save $$ on my electric bill! Not to "save the world"! People who buy electric cars are certainly entitled to do so and have every right in the world. But, where, pray-tell, does the electricity to run your stupid vehicle come from?! Oh, wait! I know! A magic unicorn who runs on a magic treadmill in the middle of Kentucky and eats butterfly farts for energy. That's where electricity comes from. Seriously, there's a word for you hippy-morons out there and it rhymes with dip-nits.
Anyway, so now that I have a child in the public education system, we get bombarded with Earth Day memorabilia all month long. Apparently the cirriculum hasn't changed much from when I was a kid, tho. It's still turn off your lights, shut off the water jibberish from my childhood. Aria was pleased to report she tattled on me to her class that I always leave the water running when I brush my teeth. Yes, I do, but it's because it takes like 5 minutes for the hot water to travel from one end of the house to the other! I'm mostly okay with it, tho. Whatever. I don't mind bringing my unused grocery bags (yes, I use plastic ALWAYS!) to the Walmart recycling bin. If there were a recycling center close by, I might even recycle more paper and cans. I don't have a problem with these things. I do have a problem with a group of people telling me or my child that the world is going to implode if we don't do what we can to recycle.reduce.reuse everyway, everyday, earthday! The mindset of these people, sadly, is a belief in mother earth, not a Creator of the universe. Their world view is pretty narrow, and as such so is their tolerance. WE are the only ones who can save the world. We created this mess, so WE must fix it. My belief is that God created everything we see and use. And that HE supplies all our needs and HE is in control of everything. And if HE decides that the world will end, it will. There will be nothing that WE can do to stop it. It's actually pretty liberating and a relief to know that the things I do today, 10 years ago, 10 years from now, will NOT destroy the world; whether it's drive my car, throw out my garbage or leave the water running. Now, I'm not going to delibrately leave the water on, that adds up finacially. But, I'm not going to be guilted into feeling bad about living! Again, feel free to recycle as much or as little as you want. It won't change the outcome in the end, tho. We are to be good stewards of the land, and I believe that also goes hand in hand with common sense. If there is a naturally occuring good being produced, and we have the ability to gain access to and use it, we should! If we can find ways to make that product benefit millions, it just makes sense to keep producing and distributing it for others to enjoy. And if we can find ways to duplicate it or even reuse it, all the better! But doing it in the name of saving the planet is foolish and ignorant.
I did however observe Earth Day like I normally do; I drove to work, I washed my laundry and dishes, I vacuumed my floors, I threw out my baby's dirty diapers, I turned on my lights when it was dark so I could see to cook dinner on my electric stove... I lived out my ordinary life on an ordinary day! Happy EVERYday!