I was visiting with Shosh, as usual, and she made a comment that cracked me up and I had to include it here. She is very perceptive and her sarcasm always gets me. We were discussing Michael Jackson and what he could've died from. I said I think it was drugs and she says, "... I know what killed Michael Jackson."
I'm waiting for a logical explanation and she deadpans, "Obama had him whacked."
I laughed for like 2 minutes.
"Think about it," she explains (unnecessarily to me, cuz I get it, but for those who don't), "Michael's media attention is taking all of it off of Obama's health care reform and cap and trade bills."
Then to make the matter more hilarious, she adds, "Plus Obama can say Michael Jackson could still be alive if we had socialized health care cuz he could've afforded it and everyone knows he was having financial trouble. And we all know his care would've been better.(insert eye rolling here)" There is a bit of truth to all humor, and she nailed it. I can take no credit for this comic gem. So there's your "conspiracy theory".
Seriously, I am a bit shocked on MJ's death. I wasn't a big fan. In fact, he was a freak show, but there is no denying his influence to the music industry. I did like his 1991 Dangerous album. The songs, Billy Jean, P.Y.T., and Remember the Time are ones of his I liked. A lot of songs there were covered by other bands I liked better than his version. Like Alien Ant Farm doing Smooth Criminal, and Floetry's Butterflies (they actually wrote the song for him and then did it on their own for their debut album.) And who didn't try to moonwalk? His dancing was revolutionary, as were his videos. Thriller, anyone? But anyone who passes away at 50 is shocking. To me, this is the biggest icon to pass away from my childhood that I can think of; at least that was an unexpected passing. I remember walking through music stores as a kid and it was Michael Jackson everywhere. Then he started morphing into this super freak and it was kinda like the fame and fortune got to him. I'll be interested to see how the media treats him after the autopsy results are shared. For now, it's fun to reminisce about some of his songs that remind me of certain times growing up and thankful I have those memories to share with family and friends.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I love it when I'm right
Are you a Packers' fan angry at Brett Favre? Do you need to let people know the pain he has caused you?
Packers fans have found a way to express their anger at Brett Favre. Instead of wasting your breath over brats and beer in Green Bay, just say it with a shirt.
A clothing store in Madison, Wisc., is now selling Packer yellow-and-green shirts with Brett Favre's mug on it, saying "We'll never forget you Brent."
And no, Brent is not a typo.
With talk that Favre could be headed to the Packers' bitter rival in Minnesota, Sconnie Nation clothing shop is capitalizing on fans' increasing rage.
"Now people are really mad with him," store manager Isaac Lenz told the Wisconsin State Journal.
And there seems to be quite a few fans out there who need to express that anger — the store has already sold hundreds of the Brent shirts in the past two weeks.
The above article and picture were taken from FOXSports.com. Looks like I was on to something... heh heh. Yeah, Brett, I mean Brent! See what happens when you think you're better than everyone and everything. What goes around comes around. Now chant with me to the tune of SNL's cheerleaders (aka Cheri O'Teri and Will Ferrell) and the Spartan in my Teepee bit:
Who was right about Brent Far-vee?
IT'S ME!!! IT'S ME!!!
uh-huh, uh-huh, uhhuhuhhuhuhhuh!
^_^ that was fun!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day
There are some things in life that are taken for granted... well many things are. I think dad's can be. The marketing difference between mother's day and father's day is a great example of this to me. There are certain stereo-types as well; get your mom flowers, get your dad a hammer. Not that getting flowers is a bad thing. Even as a kid, I used to think that dad's kinda got the short end of the stick when it came to honoring them. There just seemed to be more put into recognizing mom's. Maybe it was a feminist thing or maybe it was just that women usually just get more attention because they can actually plan an event or make their wishes come to reality. So my sister and cousin and I always used to have a Father's Day treasure hunt, where we would find knick-knack items in West Yellowstone and hide them throughout the cabin grounds where our families would vacation together every other year. Now as kids, we thought we planned a great event. Perhaps as adults it would seem amateur and "childish". Sadly, I can't remember in too great of detail how these activities went, tho there was a time when we stowed away in our van to plan the event when my Dad and Aunt Ardele took off to West Yellowstone to buy a new coffee decanter and we hid for what seemed like hours too afraid to speak up. Yes, our families were worried! We did the treaure hunt for at least 3 years in a row I think. It was just our way to honor Dad. I am so blessed. I know everyone thinks their dad is the greatest. Well I know I have the greatest dad. We have alot in common when I think about it and the older I get, I see more of him in me. Our sense of humor, our opinions, our music tastes, our love of chocolate. Some of my best memories growing up involve my dad; hunting trips, watching football together after church,day trips with family, they way he laughed at some of my silly basketball mistakes, many winter afternoons sledding or just hanging out in his office. I still have people ask me how my dad is after him being gone from this area for almost 11 years! (they ask about my mom too) He is a likable guy that people trusted. Great qualities I strive to emulate. Plus his biblical knowledge and faith in the Lord I've always admired. It's very fun to watch him as a grampa, too! He's got it all, folks. I am also blessed to have married my best friend who is a wonderful dad as well. He dove right in after Aria was born, changing diapers, helping with dishes and laundry. His ability to raise a child is amazing to me. I am so glad I married a handsome, responsible, loving man who is the best father to my daughter; the light of our lives. Loving Happy Father's Day to the best men in my life and to yours as well!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
To pick up where I left off, kinda
Tony with one of many fish he caught on the annual paddlefishing trip.
No girls allowed!

Aria and her friend, Alex... the one time they were still the whole weekend!

Aria has 3 babies. They are all girls. The names of her babies are Brian, Brian and Baby Girl. This is Aria with one of her Brian's. Seriously, I had nothing to do with that!

Aria's flowers for Manda. We emailed Manda pix, as Aria wanted to deliver them to Manda that day, and well, that would be one expensive delivery fee!:)
No girls allowed!
Aria and her friend, Alex... the one time they were still the whole weekend!
Aria has 3 babies. They are all girls. The names of her babies are Brian, Brian and Baby Girl. This is Aria with one of her Brian's. Seriously, I had nothing to do with that!
Aria's flowers for Manda. We emailed Manda pix, as Aria wanted to deliver them to Manda that day, and well, that would be one expensive delivery fee!:)
I'm Back!
Too much stuff goin' on to not have a place to comment!! Brett Favre, anyone? Prez. Obama... oi. My freakin' back. Aria. Aria. Aria:) I have had a few people tell me or thru someone else tell me to blog again (it's nice to be loved). While I never felt like I was good at it, I did sort of miss it. Tony got a facebook page recently, and I would use it to communicate with Paul over in Iraq. Quite a nifty little piece of technology. I started, dare I say, enjoying checking out the "facebook nation". I however don't want to be a hypocrit, yet, so this is how to shun the facebook temptation for me. I want some place to be able to show off pix, express my opinion/beliefs... email just wasn't cutting it for me. Plus, some, not all, are terrible about responding. That era seems as tho it's over for some (the whole you email me and I'll email you thing). I honestly just think I like doing this more than I'd like to admit, but I am getting there.
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