I took this test on personality100test.com just for funzies, and the results? I couldn't agree with more! Some were a little surprising (like the environment I do best in), but after reading it, it is true about me... nice to know.
The following feedback provides you with a description of what type of information you are most attracted to, how you prefer to make decisions, and what environment you do best in.
The type of information you are most attracted to:
You emphasize past experience, realism, common sense, and practical issues. You have a matter of fact style and are direct rather than indirect. You prefer applicable, concrete knowledge over abstract, theoretical knowledge. When someone explains something to you, you often ask them to provide an example.
This nails it on the head for me!
You are most comfortable dealing with the here and now, the real world. When someone asks, 'But what if x happens or y happens?', you respond by saying, 'It hasn't yet happened. Let's deal with it if and when it does, instead of wasting time now speculating about it.' You trust information gathered by your own five senses over any other information source. Avoiding speculation and exaggeration is important to you.
Again, so true. Could explain my political beliefs, too.
You would rather say 'I get things done' than 'I create ideas and possibilities.' You don't like it when people jump around in their thoughts or when ideas don't logically flow.
Caution area: you may sometimes overlook long-range planning by being too focused on the moment.
How you prefer to make decisions:
You are clear-headed and calm under pressure. You do not get carried away by your emotions or rely on emotional manipulation to persuade people.
I don't feel like I'm calm under pressure, but I don't get over emotional... so 50/50 here I guess.
You are able to deal with information on the basis of its structure and its function rather than its emotional content. You are able to ignore interpersonal climates and are not often swayed by gossip.
You appreciate fairness and reason. You recognize that feelings are often easily changed and unreliable. For that reason, you prefer to be fair and logical rather than emotional.
Again, could totally explain my political beliefs.
Flashy advertisements do not fool or distract you. If you go to a store because you need to buy a jacket, you stick to buying only a jacket. Deals for items that you don't need are not likely to affect you; you choose an item foremost because of its function and utility.
MOSTLY true of me.
The environment you do best in:
You do not like indecisiveness.
Surprising to me. I am indecisive, but I hate being surrounded by it!
In your living space, you like to know where things are. Other people may not recognize it, but you have an order.
You enjoy finishing things more than starting things, find simplicity to be more appealing than complexity, and are more comfortable after a decision has been made than before a decision has been made.
This is 100% me, hands down!
A fun little quiz, just posting it as an FYI. I'm into this stuff lately; getting to know you quizzes and such... is it cuz I'm nearly 31 and trying to rediscover myself? Nah, they're just fun to do and read about! Maybe I'll post more things like this later.