Friday, July 30, 2010

Round 2 done... FINALLY!

Okay, friends! Drum roll... I just completed round 2 of the HCG diet! I have lost 40 lbs. total. That is where the good news ends. This 2nd time around was in a word, HELL! I was miserable! I am so glad I am done! I did lose 10 additional lbs., but it was not easy. The 1st time was a breeze: no real hunger, no real desire to cheat/eat, no fatigue, the lbs. just seemed to melt off... but not this time! I was constantly fighting the urge to cheat, hunger was always gnawing at me, I definitely was tired and the worst side effect for me was light headedness. What a horrible feeling! Now, I powered thru. I did lose, but it didn't come off as I hoped it would. BUT, I am just 20 lbs. away from my ultimate will-honestly-be-happy-with-my-appearance goal, so this is really a great jump start! I would recommend to whoever is interested in just doing the diet once. It's not worth putting yourself thru that twice. Maybe to some 10 lbs. would be worth it, but honestly, it wasn't easy! Maybe it was more mental that physical, but I am beat. Perhaps, looking back, it was worth it, but trust me, if one stuck to a "regular" diet, one could lose the same amount of weight in about the same time. I do feel good tho, and have really gotten a lot of compliments. That is rewarding! Now to keep the ball rolling. I will continue to keep you posted!