Friday, October 8, 2010

Week 4 follow up, Week 5 picks and Annie, get yer gun!

Okay, 3-3 again this week on my picks. If I may be completely honest, I second guessed my picks on both the Broncos/Titans and Ravens/Steelers games. I didn't go with my gut, so I deserve my 50%. Well see how Week 5 fares!

Packers @ Redskins: I am of the opinion that the Redskins are improving week by week. They really looked pretty good last Sunday (good for Donovan!). I wonder if the game may have been closer had Vick not got hurt so early on... The Packers are good, but need some reining in the the penalty department. It may be their downfall in the long run. Redskins by 9.

Chiefs @ Colts: What happened last week to the Colts?! It has been a weird 4 weeks for sure. Teams that should've been 4-0 are 2-2. Teams that appeared weak are undefeated. Take this match up. The Chiefs (the Chiefs!!) are 3-0 at the moment. Colts dropped 2-2 last Sunday in a head scratcher of a loss. I think Herm Edwards needs some credit given for building a team like this up in Kansas City before getting the boot. Rebuilding takes time, people! I am still not 100% convinced the Chiefs are the real deal tho. Colts by 12.

Titans @ Cowgirls: Wasn't last week nice? No Cowgirl coverage, no what is happening to the Cowgirls sniffling. I liked it. But byes are for a week only, so here we go again. I really think the Titans might have won last week, but it was a rookie (Montanan) mistake that eventually cost them the game. But live and learn, Titans should pull off a win here by 6.

Chargers @ Raiders: The only division game I (randomly) picked for this week. Did you know both these teams black out a lot of their games for TV due to low attendance at home games? I just found that out. Crazy. But, considering how lack-luster they both are, it isn't really all that surprising. I'm rooting for the Raiders just cuz I don't like Philip Rivers, but honestly, I too, share the homecrowd's "meh" feeling towards them. Raiders by 3.

Eagles @ 49ers: Oh, my poor '9ers. I expect them to play well, as they seen to pull out good games against tough opponents. The game against the Falcons last week was truly a heart breaker! I hope they work on their turn-over issues. They really need a win... 0-4 looks bad no matter how close the games were. It's kinda fun in our house when these 2 teams play; me being a 49ers fan and Tony an Eagles fan. Hopefully, I get some bragging rights this week! '9ers by 4.

Vikings @ Jets: Where to start... Okay, I'll go there! WHO WAS RIGHT ABOUT BRETT??!! That's right. I knew he was a jerk. And now he's an old jerk. He really needed that week off to rest, but will it be enough? And Randy Moss?! Randy freakin' Moss?! Really Minnesota fans, sorry, but I don't know what your organization is doing to you poor people. Did we already forget how much Randy wanted to get out of Viking-land? How he treated his teammates, the home crowd? Perhaps he's straightened out a bit, but really, Vikes look nothing but desperate. And another Jets controversy? And it includes Brett?! This is too much, folks! So the Jets have harassment issues. Let's just not send any more women into man-pig Jets territory over there; apparently most those people haven't matured past high school yet. As for the game? Well, Jets will win by 10. Can't wait for Monday night drama to unfold!:)

Tomorrow begins (official) hunting season (sorry bow-hunters... this chic uses a gun!) for antelope and bird season. Deer/elk season is looming around the corner. I hope to fill my tag (and freezer) starting tomorrow, but we'll see. My new Howa 30-06 is sighted in and ready to go! This gun is nice and I'm really excited to see how we do. Please be good to the land and landowners; close your gates, pick up your trash, and thank your landowners so we can keep this privilege going for years to come. Happy and SAFE hunting to everyone tomorrow and in the coming weeks.