Saturday, October 23, 2010

Week 6 follow up and week 7 picks

So the games I waivered on I got wrong... typical. But it was still a good weekend: 49ers won (finally!) and Cowgirls lost (awesome!). I don't know if I should love the fact that the '9ers and 'girls have the same record, but for me, the 'girls having this record is a sacrifice I'm willing to live with. The big news from last weekend was the "violent" hits as in helmet to helmet contact. I know with recent revelations tying head injuries to dementia has people hyper-sensitive to this issue, but come on! It's a contact sport. Sheesh, why don't we just go to two-hand touch or flag football. We're becoming weenies as a society. The problem lies, I think, in what defines flagrant foul from a wrong hit at the wrong time foul. Everyone comes out of those plays claiming innocence. It's a tough call, most of the time. If they're competitive as me, and I'm sure they are, they are going 110% for a hard hit. It's what they train for. I'm not advocating hits that KO the opponent, but I don't want to watch girlie-man football. I hate to go here, but it's like joining the military; military voluntarily join with the condition of knowing they may have to go to war. Football players sign up with the possibility of getting concussions. Let them play the game, try to protect the players but understand that injuries come with the game. And if one does get hurt, follow the doctor's orders and don't fight with your coach when they pull you out for safety (Jason "ding-bat" Whitten)!

On to week 7. I wanted to do something a little different. The radio station out of Shelby (frankly the best in the region as far as I'm concerned) does a weekly segment call "beat the predictor". I was gonna compare notes with the "predictor" but was at work and was helping customers rather than taking notes during the segment (where's my employee of the week award?! I kid, I kid!). Maybe next time?

Eagles @ Titans: A good game! Both teams are 4-2 and are having pretty good years. Who is healthy for this game may determine the outcome. Desean Jackson is out with his concussion, Michael Vick is most likely still out, tho Kolb is doing just fine as QB, and Vince Young is battling both a knee and ankle sprain, to name a few key injuries. I like that the Titans are home and think they'll pull off a win in a close game. Titans by 3.

Jaguars @ Chiefs: Who else is surprised at these teams records? Chiefs have some spunk this year and I think they can easily win at home by 10.

Patriots @ Chargers: So this is an easy call in my book. Chargers are at a dismal 2-4. Patriots are 4-1, tho that record doesn't seem right. Pats aren't as stellar as in years past, but they will be better than the Chargers. Pats by 9.

Raiders @ Denver: Thank you, Raider Nation, for the much needed W in the '9ers column last week! Thank you, thank you! Broncos are doing okay, but not as well as I thought they could have, esp. after last year. But they will definitely win this one at home. Broncos by 12.

Vikings @ Packers: I just can't help but gloat: I was so right about Brett! And wasn't it Randy Moss who simulated mooning the Packer crowd after scoring a touchdown in a wild-card victory Jan. 9, 2005? Oh, I think the Packers are chomping at the bit for this game! There isn't quite the media frenzy over this one like last year's meeting, but I believe the Packers can win this one. The Vikings have too much trouble on and off the field to beat the Pack this year. It should be a good close game, but I pick the Packers by 6.

Giants @ Cowgirls: I love this so much, I'm gonna put it in bold and italics: Cowgirls are 1-4!!!! How's that Super Bowl journey working out for you? 'bout the same as the Democrat strategy this election season: pathetic!! Giants will out throw, out run, out kick, out score, out play the Cowgirls on all levels. And, just in case you're wondering, Wade Phillips isn't the problem. Tony "overrated" Romo is the problem in Dallas. Giants by 14.

Happy Week 7 and happy opening deer/elk season weekend too! Stay safe and good luck!