Tuesday, November 9, 2010

About me... if you're wondering

So, I have always loved getting the emails where you fill in the blank about yourself. I love reading other people responses and filling in my own. I also am sorta evaluating life as I've lived it and life as I should live, and in doing so, found that I set the bar a lot higher than I can obtain. But, it's good to know these things about one's self, no? I'm okay with that and so with those previous thoughts in minds, why not lay it all out there for everyone to gander at? Maybe it'll be fun and we'll learn something... and different is good, right?... sometimes.

~I am %100 sentimental. I still have every card that has been sent to me or my family since the day I graduated high school. I CAN NOT throw them out! I still have the majority of my favorite stuffed toys from childhood. While I hate crying in front of anyone, I cry quite easily... well, welling up would be the proper term. And if someone else is crying, it's like yawning; it's contagious!

~I am still very proud of my MVP award for basketball my junior year of high school. Other than graduating nursing school, having a wonderful and successful marriage, and my daughter, that MVP plaque is my greatest accomplishment; I remember wanting to earn/win that award even as a new-comer to basketball in 4th grade.

~I am a proud conservative Republican. I love listening to Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin... and I thought George W. Bush was a decent president. I'm all about limited government, Taxed Enough Already, individual achievement and success, capitalism, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The older I get, the more intolerant I grow of liberals. (Well, they're certainly intolerant of my views! And I'm tired of being made out to be the bad guy!)

~I am a born again, Bible believing Christian. I believe Jesus died for my sins. If I confess I'm a sinner, understand I can't live this life without a Savior and believe in what Jesus did on the Cross for me, then, yes, quite simply, I will live eternally and everyone can who believes that too. It's important to study the Word and have an active prayer life. I'm the first to admit that I'm not the greatest at those, but I'm forgiven and will keep trying my best. I don't put my faith out in people's faces (it's called free will), I'm not one to cram things down people's throats, but if asked, I'll tell you without a doubt what I believe and why. I really feel blessed to have such a strong faith that doesn't really waiver. I may have questions for and disagreements with God, but I don't doubt His existence for even a millisecond. I'm pretty sure my faith is what shapes a lot of my opinions and outlook on life.

~I love that my daughter is a little carbon copy of me: she's pretty literal, very soft hearted, love purple and horses, has a funny sense of humor, and we have the same chin and cheek dimple. Oh yes, and we think our dad's are the best in the world!

~I refuse my flu shot every year. I don't believe by getting it, I will decrease the amount someone will or won't get sick. It'll happen vaccine or not. And, I really question the long term affect it may have on people...

~My favorite comedians are Brian Regan, Eddie Izzard, Jim Gaffigan, Greg Hahn, Kathleen Madigan, and I think the Bob and Tom show is really funny. I can be quite serious, but I think I have a pretty good sense of humor.

~My favorite color is PURPLE!

~Painting, whether it's on a wall or on canvas (I'm really not that good) is relaxing and satisfying to me. If I could make a living at it, I'd paint people's rooms and love it! I could even do a mural on a wall for you (ask me about the one I did in my room in high school later).

~I don't really have a favorite song. I like a whole lot of different types of music and narrowing it down to one just isn't fair! I could maybe do it my CD: Tonic's Lemon Parade is a top 5, Live's Throwing Copper is a top 5, I like all of Stone Temple Pilots' and Coldplay's albums, I like old school Newsboys, Jars of Clay, and DC Talk (by old school, I mean 90's!), I love the Beatles, Elton John, Led Zepplin, Bad Company, Michael Jackson, Incubus, Tommy Emmanuel is amazing, I like the Chill channel on XM, and I lovelovelove Christmas music! Pretty much Classic Rock, Grunge/Alternative are safe bets... but if it has a great beat or riff, I'll probably like it. Another favorite that comes to mind is Feelin' Alright that Joe Cocker does live a Woodstock; it makes me happy every time I hear it. Music makes me happy and that's all that matters (and an awesome sub woofer in the trunk of my car!).

~That's right... I don't care if it's the typical 16 year old boy that has them, I love the bass a bumpin' and I hope I never get too fuddy-duddy to not love the sub woofer in my car!

~I don't like confrontation. Will avoid it whenever possible. Some recent events have caused me to "grow a pair" however, and tho my knees shook like an 80 year old with Parkinson's, I stood up for myself and found I have some courage after all (yay me and the cowardly lion!). This may come in handy in the future if I ever have to swoop in on Aria's behalf. Thanks, life lessons!

~I love the NFL and don't understand people who don't. I don't get people who love MLB or NBA or NHL. We just stare at each other with dumb looks. Football offers physical contact (buh-by NHLers), fast paced (mostly) action (take a seat NBAers), and isn't boring (would the real baseball fans please stand up and leave!).

~I thoroughly enjoy hunting. It's a great bonding time with my husband, my dad, my brother, my family. And it's delicious meat in the freezer. (How can organic supporting hippies not eat this stuff?! It's more organic than anything you can buy in an organic grocery isle!) One gets to be out in nature, hike thru deep coulees, take in the Big Sky, see wildlife up close (shooting or no)... it's what environmentalists want, yet they want to see this way of life expunged. Hypocrisy!

~Speaking of environmentalists... I'm %100 prejudice against people who think the earth is their mother, that we are polluting the earth with our existence, and that we should return to our ape-like ways. You are a hippy and I don't like you. OH! and p.s.- we here in northern Montana didn't get the memo for global warming this year; I don't think it got over 100 degrees at all this summer!

~My family: Tony, Aria, Dad, Mom, Marcia, Daniel, Reagan, Paul, Amanda, Rick, Debbie, Dustin, Kim, Craig, Heidi, Elaine, Charlene, and Ginnie are the most important people in my life. They are supportive, fun, loving, and the reason I try/do my best at whatever I do. I want them to be proud of me. I know I'm proud of all of them.

~My dream job is to be a historical preservationist. You know, someone who saves old buildings and restores them to their original glory. History is fascinating to me. Architecture is amazing. Combine those and you have what I think the ideal job would be. Problem is, a select few ever get those job and get paid! Mostly it's archiving at the local museum or historical society. If my life would've been a bit different when I was 18-19 years old, who knows. But, I am happy being a nurse and helping people. Perhaps, one day, I will help to restore something; perhaps I'm channeling that restoration desire into vintage auto's (we own 2 now!)

~I do not like doing Christmas cards. I love getting them (remember: I can not and will not throw them out!), but I hate doing them. I feel awkward and silly writing a letter. Some of it stems from a lack of not knowing "where the line" is. Some extended relatives are down right horrible about sending cards at Christmas time my way. Is it cuz they are trying to send me a *hint, hint* stop contacting us (which is fine by the way, I can take a hint!) or because they are like me and hate doing them too, so they don't. When people receive my cards, do they roll their eyes and send out the obligatory card in return or do they happily accept and keep me on next year's list? Why do I freaking care?!

~I love my dogs, a LOT! I get really bothered when I see other people who don't seem to care for their dogs like I care for mine. I know, I know... it's their dog, leave it alone. I'm sorry, but if it's 30-some degrees and raining or snowing out, PUT YOUR DOG INSIDE!!! They could freeze! If you don't trust them indoors, perhaps you should have done a little bit more training with them and less leaving them outside all the damn time! We have one neighbor in particular, who no matter the weather, their dog is tied up outside, 24/7. It's so irritating. Don't own a dog if you can't love and care for it properly.

~My "bucket list" if you will, is fairly small: Own a Classic Mustang (check!), go to England, visit all 50 states (or 58 if you're Obama!), raise a respectable, honorable, loving kid(s), save enough $$ to retire before 65 and retire debt free, keep in touch with my family even if I have to initiate every contact, try bungee jumping or sky diving at least once.

~I lovelovelove Christmas... right after Halloween is very hard for me to not just start putting up the decorations. The smells, the decor, the good cheer, the music... it is the most wonderful time of the year; then January knocks one back into reality.

~I think my best character trait is my loyalty. Loyalty to my family and to my friends. Chances are pretty good that if you were/are a friend of mine, you get to stay that way with me for life. I may not see you or even talk to you in say 10 years, but if I were to see you somewhere, it would be like we just saw each other yesterday. My worst character trait is my jump to conclusions/judgment. I like having the facts, but sometimes my first impression button gets hit first and that is usually a bad thing.

~I'm very proud to have 2 family members in the military. It's an honor to say that too. My brother is serving in Iraq presently, and my brother-in-law is serving in Korea presently. They are great service men. Not a lot of people can say they have even 1 family member in the military and I can say I have 2! Now, there are times when I am really concerned for them, but I know that they want to serve. It's what they were called to do. It's not the easiest life, and many don't understand it, but they do it well and we should be very humbled by their sacrifice and service. Happy Veterans Day!

~I'm an Auntie to Reagan Danielle and she lives too darn far away! She and her momma need to live closer to me! My sister (Reagan's momma) is an amazing person and I respect and love her very much. I miss her tremedously, too.

~If it's ever possible, I will donate my height to those less fortunate. I have gotten a little more comfortable with my 6'1" frame, but to me, it's still a bit much! I am popular in Walmart to little old ladies, but other than that, I don't need all this height! I'd give it to a 5-foot-nothing person easy. I have, however, accepted that my body is not perfect and never will be so quite trying so hard to achieve what is unachievable!

~Aging hasn't yet bothered me. We ALL get old, some just get there before others, but your time will come, oh yes. So, enjoy your youth cuz it doesn't last forever. I am okay with this concept.

So, there's a little excerpt about me. Hope you had fun and if not, I'm not really too worried about it! You could've stopped reading minutes ago! :)