Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A little update

Sooo... once again, our main computer is ill. What is up with anti-virus software?! What a scam! My ability to upload any Halloween pix is limited as all of those pix are on the hard drive of previously mentioned computer (hopefully they're not lost for good!). Aria was Jesse this year and do you think it was easy to keep her from wearing it 24-7? She did pretty well in the candy department, too. And no candy hangovers like last year!;)

Tony filled 1 of 3 tags for deer this year (1 general, 2 B tags) and it was a buck... biggest one I think we've ever gotten. Lots of meat for the freezer! I attempted hunting, but nothing worthy of tagging... yet. I was so sad to learn of all the hunting accidents on opening weekend of deer/elk. It sounds like both deaths were completely accidental and unfortunately gun user mistakes. One thing hunter's safety harped on was to always point your muzzle in a safe direction. A sad reminder that this needs to be emphasized on again and again. I totally am a %100 supporter of gun use and of youth having the privilege of hunting, but it begs the question: if we can't get a driver's license till we're 16, why not wait till then to operate a gun? These accidents are very isolated and since the implimentation of hunter's safety, amount of death from hunting related accidents have declined sharply. Perhaps the kids were careless just that one time, but that's all it takes. Is immaturity to blame? We all are guilty of being careless at times tho, we were lucky enought to live to tell about it tho. What, if any, changes may come from these tragic losses will be seen, but I really believe every kid should take hunter's safety whether or not they plan to hunt and that it's up to parents to continue to teach and reaffirm what is taught in those classes.

Elections are over. *Whew!* I certainly am glad about the Republican wins, but time will tell if they really got the message or not about less government, less spending, more listen to the people gig. Locally, I'm a bit disappointed in some of the ballot issues... we have no business telling a privately owned company how much interest they can charge, ever ever ever! But, apparently, what do I know. The outfitters/hunting issue I was really on the fence on, but when it came down to it, would it really effect me if it was voted for? NO! I think local and state sportsmen are kidding themselves if they think this will improve access for them. I am afraid my dad is right and hunting will eventually be a rich man's sport only. All this bill did and will do is kill many towns local economy during hunting season. Good job, "keep jobs and make money" crowd. So much for that idea. I understand the wanting to take it to Cabela's, tho. But, overall, this is really not good for Montana. Our local hospital mill levy passed... good or bad, it just means we get to keep paying taxes and you know how I feel about that. Congratulations to our new JP Holly Frederickson. I strongly supported Neal Eveland, for numerous reasons; most important was loyalty to a long time family friend. I remember as a kid, my dad, my sister, me, Neal and his kids would go to the bakery across the street every week to have a donut and chocolate milk! It's memories like that and the fact that Neal has been doing that job for years that made me want to see him continue. He's a very patient, level-headed guy who really wanted to give people a chance to succeed. I'm sorry he didn't win, I don't know what will be next for him or his family. I hope Holly is ready for the job; in my mind, Neal leaves big shoes to fill.

Hopefully, our computer won't be in the hospital for long (or the bill too high, just what we need: ANOTHER damn bill!) and I can post some pix sooner than later!