Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hawaii: The Pro Bowl!

Ahh, Hawaii! We arrived late Saturday evening, January 29. The flight in was a bit bumpy at times, but not bad. Aria traveled well, as usual. We left Great Falls and it was like 17 degrees and snowing heavily. We got to Honolulu and it was 75 degrees and just nice. It was like we arrived and the seasons just changed like that! What a nice change! We were greeted with Leis and traveled to our hotel right in the middle of Waikiki, just a block and one half from the beach. The first full day in Hawaii saw us going to the Pro Bowl. I will say that for me, this was a definite highlight of the trip. I love, love, love football (just in case you didn't know that about me!) and this was like winning the lottery! Many of the NFL's premiere players in one building at the same time... and I got thisclose to Peyton Manning! The game obviously isn't as competitive as regular, post or even pre season, but to just be there was fun. If you've ever been to a NFL game (this was my 2nd), the atmosphere is just fun (and expensive, but oh well). A great way to start our trip! :)

Aria can sleep anywhere!

Greeted with Leis! Aria insisted on holding them all, tho.

Main street, Waikiki... not sure of actual street name (too hard to pr. We're on our way to the Pro Bowl!

Aloha Stadium. I have to admit, it was much bigger than I thought. Nice venue.

Opening ceremonies.

Right before the National Anthem. Kris Allen sang and he made Christina Aguilera look like an American Idol reject.

I got thisclose to the AFC sidelines! Took some pix of some of the players wandering around, including Montana's own Marc Mariani. He played a lot this game and did really well. It was fun to see the huge crowd of red from Montana in the stands.

The Man, Peyton Manning. I didn't get a pic with him, but this is close enough!

I was so geeking out at this moment!

The NFC (surprisingly!) dominated the whole game. It certainly wasn't competitive like a regular season game would be, but being there, the atmosphere, was still pretty awesome. I could attend a game every year and love it no matter what!

The Fox NFL crew!

A view of the stadium during a kick off return

Aria, while pretty outspoken on her dislike of "momma's football", seemed to enjoy herself. Tho she spent most of the time people watching, not game watching.

Woo-hoo! The mandatory self portrait!