Saturday, February 12, 2011

Time to play catch-up

Well, now that I have time (since the NFL is over for a few months), I probably should post some pix and such from our last few weeks. We had a wonderful trip to Hawaii. Better than I had hoped or imagined. I'll get into details about that later. For now, tho, I will post some pix from Marcia, Daniel, and Reagan's visit here. They are in Alaska now and will be moving into their new home in about 2 weeks. They were here for 5 days and it really flew by! We had such a good time with them. Reagan is such a sweet girl. One evening, we babysat while Marcia and Daniel had a date night. It was great to give them that opportunity; they hadn't done anything like that in over a year! It sure was hard to say goodbye, but it was a fun visit and we got some great pix from it.

Reagan posing for the camera (I think she looks ALOT like Marcia in this pic)

Aria would tell anyone in earshot all about her baby cousin! They got along so well.

Bath time for Rea-Rea!

Shosh and Daniel holding Cooper, our latest dog addition!

This pic is funny! My camera has a red-eye light on it to reduce red eyes and apparently it's pretty bright. Everytime I would take a pic of Rea, she would smile, but squint/close her eyes to keep the light out!

Cousins playing (obviously my red eye light wasn't on for this one!)

Another funny pic! Marcia said to get a pic of their cat, Chance, and as I went to take it, Rea scooted over and got into the photo! Smiles and all. She's such a ham!

Cooper and Shosh. Coop is a cuddly bugger!

Waving for the camera... er, pestering Riley?