I'm adding some teaser pics from the last few weeks. We had a wonderful time with my sister and her family! My little niece is just the cutest! We have a while yet before we head home from Hawaii and I'm loving it. The warm weather is such a perk all on it's own. Sorry to all family and friends on the hi-line who have been enduring such horribly cold weather, but I don't miss it even a little! This 80 degree weather in Jan/Feb. is easy to get used to. FYI- The Honolulu Newspaper listed the coldest spot in the nation at Chinook, Montana at -42 degrees! I hope we bring warm weather back with us, tho I hear it's warming up a bit now. Thanks to our family and friends for keeping an eye on things while we're gone. Enjoy the pix... details and more to come later! Aloha:)
Aria and Reagan. Aria loved telling everyone and anyone (whether they cared or not) that this was her baby cousin!
She's a happy little stinker:)
Family pic at the Honolulu Zoo. The tree is for real! It's a sort of Eucalyptus tree and the bark peels to reveal colorful bark underneath.

Aria's a beach bum!

Sunset view from our hotel balcony overlooking Waikiki Beach. Beautiful!