Friday, February 4, 2011

A bit of a tease

.Something is happening this weekend that hasn't happened in a llllooonnnggg time: I will be missing the Super Bowl. But it's all good. We're in Hawaii at the moment and are having a great, great time. We'll be touring the island of Oahu (which is where we're staying) that day. We may get back in time to see the game, as it will start later here than in Montana, I think. Either way, I'm going for the Packers only because I'd love to see Brett's former team win what he thought was his the beginning of this season and what a way to start his "retirement" celebration. That is the only reason I'm pulling for the Pack. Should be a great game.

I'm adding some teaser pics from the last few weeks. We had a wonderful time with my sister and her family! My little niece is just the cutest! We have a while yet before we head home from Hawaii and I'm loving it. The warm weather is such a perk all on it's own. Sorry to all family and friends on the hi-line who have been enduring such horribly cold weather, but I don't miss it even a little! This 80 degree weather in Jan/Feb. is easy to get used to. FYI- The Honolulu Newspaper listed the coldest spot in the nation at Chinook, Montana at -42 degrees! I hope we bring warm weather back with us, tho I hear it's warming up a bit now. Thanks to our family and friends for keeping an eye on things while we're gone. Enjoy the pix... details and more to come later! Aloha:)

Aria and Reagan. Aria loved telling everyone and anyone (whether they cared or not) that this was her baby cousin!

She's a happy little stinker:)

Family pic at the Honolulu Zoo. The tree is for real! It's a sort of Eucalyptus tree and the bark peels to reveal colorful bark underneath.

Aria's a beach bum!

Sunset view from our hotel balcony overlooking Waikiki Beach. Beautiful!