Five years has just flown by! March 14 marks Aria's birthday and this year she's 5! Lots of milestones are set for this year: She'll be a big sister, she'll start kindergarten, on top of what new things she'll learn and do as well. I still remember March 14, 2006 like it was yesterday. That morning, we went in for a check-up, just to see how things were progressing. At that time, I was kind of planning on a March 17- a St. Paddy's Day baby- as the doctor was planning to induce me that day. However, while waiting for the doctor to come into the room, I started feeling a very strong, cramp like feeling across my stomach. As the doctor came into the room, I was having Tony feel my stomach. The doctor sent me to the OB room and hooked me up to the monitor. I was starting to have contractions. I had an IV placed in my hand, and a catheter placed as I was going to have a c-section as I wasn't dilating at all. The epidural wasn't bad and before long, I was laying on the OR table, tho I felt like my legs were at a 90 degree angle as I was sitting when the epidural was given. The last memory my brain had before I lost feeling was of my legs in a sitting position, so that's how my legs felt until the numbness wore off. Tony was in the OR with me, an anesthesiologist, 2 doctors, 1 PA, and 2 RNs. I worked with all of the people except the anesthesiologist. It was kind of a fun day in that regard! I remember as they were pulling Aria out, I couldn't feel it, but I could tell it was a lot of work to get her out of there. "She has some blond, curly hair!" The doctor said as she came out. It took like just a second or two and she began to cry. I remember such a feeling of relief hearing that cry. The doctor held her so I could see her and all I said was how beautiful she is. They took her out of the room to clean her up and I was being stitched up. They rolled me out of the OR and it was one of the most memorable moments: I worked at the same place where I delivered Aria and almost all of my co-workers were in the hallway oohing and ahhing over Aria in the nursery and congratulated me as I was rolled to my room. It was such a lovely, overwhelming feeling to have them there for that moment. It had to have been about an hour or more since I had last seen Aria. Probably everyone in the surrounding area had been able to see or hold her. They got me settled in the room. I still have no feeling from my abdomen down. My mother-in-law came into the room and shortly after, the CNA came in with Aria. The CNA said, "Well, time for mom to hold her!". I was thinking she meant my mother-in-law, and so did she, I think. Tony said, "No the other mom", meaning me! I was a mom. In that moment, it hit me: I am a momma. For the rest of my life, I am a mom! And her she was. As the CNA handed Aria to me, I literally was speechless. No words came. I just looked at her and cried. She was perfect. It was a moment of pure joy, relief, and contentment. The first night I didn't sleep much. The nurse brought Aria to feed and I kept her with me for hours and just stared at her. She's all mine! Look at what I did! I can't believe she's mine! I memorized her every feature. By the time I took her home, I knew her every sound and cry. It was amazing how fast the parenting instinct set in. It was really natural. We have watched Aria grow into a smart, funny, literal, thoughtful, loving little girl. Each birthday that has gone by, I tell myself it can't get any faster, but it does! Now, we're here celebrating her 5th birthday and I can't believe it! She has been so fun to watch grow. I'm so proud and honored to be her momma. Can't wait to see what this year has in store for my little Pooker/Pookie/Bugga/Bubba/Honey. I love you, Aria and Happy Birthday!