Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Crabby hat

So, I am pushing 17 weeks into this pregnancy and I have tried REALLY hard to be nice/pleasant/friendly up until now. I don't want to be known as the crabby pregnant lady, but I may have to accept that label graciously, esp. after this blog. I am so sick and tired of things happening on in my world and in the world in general. Let's start on a global level first.

Annoyance #1: Nuclear energy will be an end all be all for everyone and all. Japan, as I hope everyone knows of by now, suffered a traumatic earthquake followed by a pounding of tsunamis after. The big panic in the media right now is all the nuclear power plants having meltdowns and such. Now, while nuclear disasters are real and can be very scary, what is happening there is being blown out of proportion just a bit, I'd say. We have Congress reviewing nuclear energy in our own country and if it's really safe. Well, it is safe and it is efficient. Why the panic? "Natural disasters clearly make these power plants susceptible to catastrophe and we must stop the production of new sites and discontinue the operation of current plants." Here's the kicker, tho. Those power plants in Japan survived the earthquake just fine. The tsunami is what caused the current problems over there. Those plants were drafted and built by American companies who took into consideration the possible occurrence of an earthquake. When the Japanese hired the Americans to build these plants, precautions were taken for that event. None essentially were for tsunamis. Hence, our current situation. It was human error, not the nuclear plants is my point. And, by the way, in our sue-happy society, human error occurs on a daily basis. After being in Hawaii and seeing the waves on the North Shore (and being told they weren't that big, when to me, they were!) and how powerful water is, a tsunami is a big, big, BIG deal. Watch some video footage of those waves crashing inland. It took large yachts and tossed them like bath toys. So, hearings on potential nuclear power plants as a threat makes about as much sense as debating on wearing a harness bungee jumping. I tell ya, our government is CLUELESS right now!

Annoyance #2: We truly live in a society of hypocrites. Okay, so do you people want the budget balanced or no?! In one hand, they cry "make cuts! decrease taxes!", but then show up in droves and spew "don't cut education! don't cut welfare! not school lunch programs!" So, this is what we're left with. A culture of free-loaders, hands open, waiting for the next perk for doing nothing. And when one hears "make cuts" and tries, they're lambasted as heartless, greedy and selfish. Time to make people accountable again. Frankly, if you think you're responsible enough to reproduce and have no way of supporting your offspring, that is not up to the public to feed and cloth your kid. (Que in Beyonce, "all the single ladies, all the single ladies!") Be responsible. Get a job or 2. Or tie your tubes. Seriously. And if you reproduce again and again, you have to get a job for every kid you bring forth. I am not laughing. How do single parents who don't work at all afford to go to Hawaii?! My husband and I have 5 jobs between us and did go to Hawaii (and it was a working vacation for me!), but it wasn't thanks to mom and dad or welfare funding. Or the compassion of a local church you've figured out how to take advantage of. I am really tired of people who use God as their excuse to get what they want in life. Now, I understand %100 that God wants us to call on Him, but I also don't think he wants us to be passive in our assertions in life. "oh, God has called me to do this or that"... convenient little excuse, no? How can one argue with a statement that starts that way? Do I question their abusing God as an excuse to get something in life they may otherwise not get? Maybe. I'd sure like to have more money, so God has called me to put in for the lottery weekly. Thanks God! I am sick of that and of perfectly well intentioned, God-fearing people falling for that excuse.

Annoyance #3: If you don't do something on a consistent basis, don't expect rock star results. I had a very interesting, somewhat entertaining discussion with someone I care about very much recenlty. The gist of the convo. was he wants to run in a race next month (like exactly 1 month) and thinks he can kick out this crazy rock star time and he doesn't run except maybe a few times in the summer and has an elliptical machine (sorry not even close to simulating running in my book). I was trying really hard to hide my frustration with him, and probably failed miserably. I am all for doing your best and bettering one's self, but only when deserved. You may have been a good athlete like 5 or 6 years ago, but those days are gone! And you did NO running back in those days. Just be realistic. That is all I ask. Run a 5K, just be realistic about the outcome, not "I'm gonna be in the top 5 overall". Set your goals high, but not ridiculous, crazy high, cuz next thing we'll be doing is stroking your sorely bruised ego when you fall short. Just sayin', I'm trying to prevent the "well, good try" and head cocked to one side with the sad eyes, pity look. If you just say, I'm gonna run the 5K and have fun and who knows, maybe I'll do better than expected, your feelings may be spared and my sarcastic I'm sorry's can be spared for better use somewhere else. Or be a freak of nature and prove me wrong, I can admit when I'm wrong... sometimes!:)

Annoyance #4: If you think Obama is a better alternative to Bush, please get professional help! Obama most recent news worthy item: NCAA brackets. WHAT?! Libya, Japan, increasing gas and food prices, and his latest stance is basketball. Sorry, but he is way too under-qualified for this job... and he proves it daily. If you disagree, please, please introduce me to your magic unicorn and your money tree; it must be fun to live in a world of make-believe.

So, I think my crabby pregnant lady hat looks good on me! Better out than in, right?