"Buying presents for the baby" is the correct responce to the question posted on this blog! I kid, I kid :)
Time to make it offical: Baby Miller #2 is due August 26! I'm at about 14.5 weeks right now. The above ultrasound was taken at 13 weeks. I'm feeling, well... not good, but not bad. It's mostly just terrible tiredness. People say "oh enjoy that!" and "you won't be able to rest like that after baby comes!". I am not a nap person. I hate naps. They waste away a perfectly good day. After Aria was born, I rarely napped. Nap time for Aria meant me-time for momma! It's why I hated working nights. It just doesn't feel right sleeping during the day, I don't care what kind of excuse one makes for it. But I know the comments are well intentioned. I've been pretty moody lately too. My energy level has been pretty minimal. I am in the 2nd trimester, but I'm still waiting for that good feeling to return. We will find out if this one is a boy or girl. We have a feeling it's a girl (and I recieved a huge basketful of baby girl items already!), but one never knows. Some of my symptoms are similar from my first pregnancy and some are different. Either way, we are excited and Aria can't wait to be a big sister!