Saturday, April 16, 2011

Emotions and Politics

This week has been challenging. When one deals with a loved one who is going thru some sort of crisis, trying to be the voice of reason and comfort can be tricky. I don't want to come off sounding uncompassionate, yet I want to convey feelings of optimism and hope. It's hard sometimes to meld the two together. I know in my heart what I am thinking, but to actually verbalize it is completely different. I hope the recipient of my words understands this. And maybe crying with someone over the phone is enough.

At any rate, I haven't really ever been good with showing emotions or affection for that matter. It wasn't because I wasn't hugged enough as a kid or any of that psycho-analytical bull crap, I just have never been good with it. It's nothing personal, I'd just rather shake your hand than hug you. Of course my comfort level with you and our personal relationship have something to do with that, too. I remember when I worked at our local nursing home and one day, our manager asked us how we empathize with our residents. Most responses were along the lines of "hugging" or "holding hands" with them. I was mortified! I thought to myself, "I rarely hug my own grandparents!". To me, as a professional, physical contact is kept to a minimum in order to maintain the balance between working and personal relationships. I show my empathy by doing a good job! I also don't like the meet and greet at church. The ladies who have to hug everyone, including me, is annoying. It's like a "look at how much I care" but frankly if you really cared, you'd call me at home or remember my birthday or when a loved one dies. Not a half-hearted hug whenever I see you at church. But, that's just me. I hug you if I really mean it... I NEVER initiate a hug at church, unless you really are deserving or you're my daughter. But, again, just me. Some people are just huggers. I don't and won't understand it. It's just too bad those people don't respect other people's bubbles!

Speaking of people and emotions, Denny Rehberg has brought on my wrath. I don't know, after the House vote the other day, if I will vote for him. I certainly won't vote for Tester, but if there is another Republican on the Senate ticket other than Rehberg, that person may get my vote. I can't believe he voted against the budget. You fool! Medicare totally has become abused and needs an overhaul. It's a step in the right direction. I'm sorry Paul Ryan isn't running for President, cuz he'd have our household vote in a heart beat. He is trying to fix something. He is making an effort. And he makes a lot of sense. There is a lot of head scratching as to why Donald Trump is leading the GOP polls at the moment and the answer is simple. He's taking on the Democrats head on and people are loving it. He's not cowering to the Democrats insults and lies. While I don't think I'd vote for Trump, I like his "you mess with the bull, so here's the horns" attitude. Future 2012 GOP nominees should take note. The Democrats in my view have become bullies. Take this recent budget proposal that Ryan put forth. The Dems are saying how it clearly shows how Republicans are against senior citizens and the poor. What a crock and how sad for the pathetic people who believe that! Of course, there will be programs available for those WHO TRULY need it! We have become a country of entitlement and handouts. It's time to cut the cord to the federal government. I know of entirely too many people who are perfectly capable of working and aren't because of Uncle Sam's generous hand. If a person has the ability to work, put 'em to work. "well there aren't any jobs", is your reply. Really?! Go to a local health care facility and look on their jobs postings; there's plenty of work. It's just a matter of people being too picky or too spoiled to not get off their butt and get a job. My sympathy for people like this is non-existent. And my tolerance for them is even less. So back to Denny... while he says he voted no for the seniors, he actually voted "vote for me, seniors, in my bid for U.S Senator", to show how he cares. He gave Montana seniors a big, church lady hug. Gross. Time to look thru the B.S., people. It was a pathetic attempt to snag votes. Not cool, Denny.