Sunday, April 10, 2011

Preschool Program... on to Kindergarten!

Aria kept checking to make sure we were watching her!

Believe it or not, you're looking at the Class of 2024!

Another milestone was met today; preschool years are behind us. Well, technically not for another 2 weeks, but the official year end program was today. I still look back and marvel at how fast these last 2 years went by. I really, honestly struggled with the idea of entering Aria into preschool at all. I never went. Tony never went. My siblings never went. I wondered about the value of what would be learned at preschool that would not be taught in school. I was very wrong! Aria had so much fun going (she's a social butterfly) and as her teachers assured me, learning would be a by-product. She knows her alphabet, can write her name and many of the other letters, her knowledge of things has really grown. I am truly impressed with the results. I have to laugh at some parents who insisted their child(ren) recognize shapes, colors, letter, and numbers before they could really even talk. If they go to preschool, the playing field is pretty level and they actually comprehend what they've learned, not just spouting out what parents/grandparents have the kid memorize. I guess there is nothing wrong with any of that. I'm just glad I let Aria be a kid and enjoy doing toddler things and learn things at the appropriate age and time. She will be entering kindergarten at the same level as all her peers, regardless of how many hours we spent memorizing picture books. She has kindergarten visitation May 4. If I understand correctly, she will spend the whole day there to get an idea of what a day in the life of a kindergartner will be like. It's just one of many milestones Aria will be crossing this year. It's fun to watch it happen and be apart of it, but it's almost kind of sad how fast it happens and then ends. Ah, the bitter-sweetness of parenthood!