Our ultrasound was yesterday and was, well, maybe a bit disappointing. Don't get me wrong; the baby looks very healthy and everything is going as it should. They said my placenta is low, but being how I'll be a C-section, they're not too worried about it. However, the whole reason for this ultrasound, in my book, was to find out the sex of the baby. I NEED to know! I'm not one of those "I want to be surprised" people. No offense to those who are, but it's not for me. I must plan, I must prepare and I can only do that if I know what I'm having! If it were 20 years ago and this capability was not available to me, I'm sure I'd be fine as I wouldn't know any better. But, we have the technology, let's use it! The tech, while nice enough, wasn't as personable as one would hope. She had a hard time getting a decent picture. (The best one is above.) She did the 3D imaging, which I thought would be really neat, and it was but ours turned out, again, kinda disappointing. I preferred the 2D images that showed the baby moving around. To see her moving around in there was incredible. So active, yet I haven't felt a thing yet! But like I said, the tech had a hard time determining the baby's sex. She said, "if I had to guess, it's a girl." to which Aria started to argue with her as she's having a baby brother! Watching a 5 year old disagree with an adult it pretty entertaining to watch! Tony is pretty good at reading sonograms/x-rays and he came to the same conclusion: Probably a girl, but not too sure. It's funny tho, cuz I said up to then that I really didn't care, but after that, I found I was a little sad it wasn't a boy. I am happy to have a girl, but this is it. No more babies after this one. It would have been fun to say I have a daughter and a son. But, you know, I am thrilled that she is healthy and will love her just the same. She's gonna have to put up with some football jersey outfits tho. I really wanted to by some of those! Aria is excited cuz she's upgrading to a new room. We told her if it's a girl, she gets the ex-guest bedroom and baby girl gets her old room. I've got a great idea to decorate her room and hopefully will get started on it next month. So, apparently, even tho we're not sure, we're calling baby a she/girl/her till we find out differently. And, we have a name picked out, but the surprise for you will be that you won't know till she's born! I'll keep you updated as best I can.
It's hard to tell in this 3D image, but she's sucking her thumb!