2. Speaking of chills, we have a tier 3 sex offender living just a few blocks away from our home. Tier 3 means the probability of them commenting the offense again is high. I am spooked out like you have no idea. Before this week, I would not have been quite so paranoid, but after this Sherri Arnold thing, one never knows. I will be monitoring my girls and my neighbors kids very closely...
3. *on to happier things* I've recently discovered the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. He is SOOOO funny! He's been on since 2004 or 05, I think. Thanks to late nights with Taryn, I've "found" him! My DVR captures every episode, so no, I don't stay up that late every night! His hand puppet rabbit, Sid, is simply hysterical.
4. NFL PLAYOFFS!!!!!! and guess who's playing??? MY '9ERS!!! Woo-Hooooo! I have to say, I think their chances against the Saints are good. Saints offense against '9ers defense will be a barn-burner. I am really impressed with Jim Harbough and what he's accomplished this year. I am even warming up, slightly, to Alex Smith.
5. Tim Tebow. You know what, I love how people can't figure out what the hype is all about. It's pretty simple, folks. We are a country that is desperate for a hero; someone who is genuine, humble and good at what they do. Tebow embodies all of that. And the come-from-behind spirit that envelopes all of that is magnetic. Who wouldn't want that in their own life. We're all kind of living vicariously thru Tebow. From the start of his NFL career, I've said just give him a chance. The nay-sayers were abundant. It's fun to watch the majority of people eat crow.
6. Apps. I am slowly learning about you. It's been a rough ride for this techno-phobe. My Asus tablet is the coolest thing ever, but it has so much to it that I may die and not scratch the surface on what that has to offer. I've recently started a daily devotional on it, tracking my weight loss, playing piano, listen to Pandora, and have a grocery list that is in progress. I'm still struggling to get rid of my paper day planner and use the one on the tablet. Baby steps, friends... I'm getting there!

7. Aria starts full time kindergarten next week. I'm sad all over again. I wonder when she's at school how she's doing, what she's doing, if other kids are nice to her, is she using her manners... I don't know these things! It drives me crazy. I almost want to put a camera in her backpack just to see how her day is like. She comes home from school everyday with the same answer to "how was your day?" with "Fine" and "what did you do today?" with "I can't remember" (money well spent, taxpayers!). I really won't do that, cuz it's weird, but I just miss her all day. It's part of growing up and I accept that, I just don't like it! Speaking of growing up, she has her first loose tooth! Ack!

8. Taryn is rolling over, grabbing for things, laughing a lot... it's such fun to see how much they grow. But, again, FAST! I love how when I go into her room after a nap or what-have-you, she may be crying her lungs out, but when she sees me, I get the biggest, toothless, grin from her. Love it!
10. Fall continues here for now. This weather is down right balmy! It's been 40 to 50 degrees since September! And windy. Whoa the wind. They're talking winter rears it's ugly head after the weekend, and I know it's mid-January, but I'm not ready!
11. Tony's health is good for now. A CT done just a few weeks ago revealed nothing: no stones in either kidney. Our insurance provider just changed to Blue Cross Blue Shield. I'm glad to have them as I know they provide good care (we had Aria insured with them for the last 3 or 4 years), but the rates are stupid. I'd say a 3rd of Tony's check goes to insurance premiums. Obviously, he needs it, as do we or anyone for that matter, but it's getting very pricey, as I am sure most of you can agree.
12. Chai Latte via my keurig and I have been having a date every evening after the girls are in bed. It's honestly, and maybe a bit pathetically, bliss!
I had a very nice holiday, spent time with great family and friends and enjoyed hearing from many of you over the season. I am TRULY blessed with the people in my life. Here's a pic of my beautiful daughters! *a mom has to brag!*