wait for it...
wait for it...
do I have your attention?

Go ahead... laugh. Here's the thing, these things are creepy huge! Something about how massive the propellers on them are, the massive, imposing smoke stacks on them... I can't really describe it, but I am totally freaked out by cruise ships. Perhaps it the falling hundreds of feet to a watery grave and no one knowing what the heck happened to ya scenario. Or we're all at the whim of the waves bit, but, ack! it gives me the willies!
Then this solidifies my fears... (look how freaking huge it is! It could probably crush Joplin and maybe Inverness at the same time!!!)

Oh. My. Lanta!
*horrified gasp* and it's underside is showing.... EEEKKKK! Seriously, am I the only one spazing over this?!

Let me be honest. The Titanic fascinates me, but horrifies me. Maybe it the out in the middle of nowhere for miles and miles... it sounds downright hopeless and scary to me. I did a massive research paper on the Titanic in college. It was riveting for me, but I really have no desire to EVER go on a cruise. Pearl Harbor, was haunting to me... that big ship, the Arizona just feet below the surface... it was an act of God that I didn't lose my grip on the memorial site. I like to swim and I can swim, but something about a vessel that huge submerged underwater CREEPS THE HOLY HANNAH OUT OF ME.
If any of you are lucky enough to win a cruise, and are able to invite friends, you have my happy permission to pass on me. I like my feet on dry, solid land!
(This is all related to that cruise ship that tipped over by Italy recently... yes, I do keep a paranoid watch on all these occurrences!)