Wednesday, February 1, 2012

football, politics, & a PSA

Hellooooo out there?! What has happened to the people that I follow on this here blog-thingy? Look, I know life is busy; I have 3 jobs and 2 kids... got it. But, c'mon, man! Update your blogs people before I call the FBI on you (seriously, tho... weird things have been happening lately and I tend to think the worst right off the bat... so... there...)

Super Bowl is this weekend. Apparently, I'm the only female in my church who cares as they scheduled a baby shower that afternoon! I offered to help thinking the shower would be Jan. 29. Not one to back out of obligations, I will be late for our annual Miller Super Bowl Party, but at least it's still on! I am rooting for the Giants. It's almost cliche when the Pats make it to the big one. Plus, I love the Manning brothers. And speaking of that, what is up with the Colts, Jim Irsay and Peyton!? Irsay, the owner of the Colts, has one bad season in like 10 years and now he is cleaning house? Jump to conclusions much? Throw 'em under the bus, yes? Instant gratification, huh? Obviously, the team revolved around Peyton, but sheesh, I think Irsay is over compensating for something... and I think he's the one to blame, not Jim Caldwell or anyone else. Peyton is right; what Irsay is doing is not promoting a healthy environment in that building. Must be awkward to be hosting the Super Bowl in that location, and Peyton's brother is there! Now, I honestly don't know if Peyton will play again. I, as a fan, hope he does, but as a health care professional, don't know if he should. He could be putting himself in a dangerous position. However, if he rehabs well and becomes a free agent, I HOPE he considers the '9ers. Alex Smith needs either 1, to be replaced, or 2, mentored. A LOT. Peyton would look good in red and gold!

Whoa, the GOP primaries are heating up. Am I the only one who is totally disappointed with the potential nominees? If Romney get the nomination, it'll be McCain 2008 all over again. If Gingrich gets the nod, well, we'll see... he about as unpredictable as the weather in Montana! I like Rick Santorum, but he's lacks experience on a world level... and Ron Paul is just a wacko. Now, this is very disheartening to me. Obama is a moron; this should be a slam dunk for Republicans in 2012! But, they can't nominate a worthy contender. Obama could be re-elected because Republicans are too PC. It's stupid and it's maddening. Sorry, but for you Obama-lovers out there, we're screwed as a country if he's re-elected. His failure as a president is America's success. How can we vote for a guy who doesn't see any good in the Keystone Pipeline project?! In one sentence, he says we need to create more jobs, then the next sentence, he doesn't think the Keystone Pipeline is good for America. You bum! You hypocrite! You socialist! As Aria used to say, "Obama NO!"

This next topic I need to apologize in advance. I will be extremely vague and it's only because I don't want anyone thinking I am picking on them. I just need to say it and be done with it. There are a lot of fad diets out there. People, including myself, follow one or many of them. However, when you're behavior borderlines cult like behavior, when you obsess about it to the point that people become uncomfortable talking to you at all, maybe it's time to dial it back a notch or twenty. If it works for you, great. But that doesn't mean it will work for everyone that same way it did you. If you want to share your success, then great, but understand that when you stop taking your ridiculously overpriced magic shake drink, or stop obsessing about how margarine will give you dementia, that the weight will probably come back on and it'll be on to the next thing. Like it or not, to lose weight, it's about portion control and exercise. I don't like it, but that's all there is. And I am becoming increasingly surrounded by these (sorry, wack-jobs) who think food is killing us! "Too over processed!" "Too much preservatives!" "Too much corn sugar!" I'm sorry, but we will all die. So enjoy life, enjoy food, enjoy the fact that while you bemoan the evils of *cue suspenseful music* big farming, people like me are thinking "coo-coo for cocoa puffs" about you. This has been a public service announcement for whoever.