Saturday, February 11, 2012
to speak or not to speak
Do you ever let your emotions rule your words? Is it okay to express your honest opinion to someone, no matter how close, or is it better to jut let it mellow and keep your mouth shut? Am I a good friend for being honest about an issue that I think needs to be addressed or is it not my place to say anything. Are you a better friend/family member if you say your 2 cents and risk the relationship or keep quiet and keep the peace? I'm really struggling with this issue right now. Some things need to be said, need to be addressed, need to be brought into the light, but I'm no diplomat. However, if I say nothing, nothing will be done... things will continue to escalate. Would you rather, HONESTLY, know the truth or enjoy the rose colored glasses? Because knowing the truth could be somewhat hurtful, it could cause tension, it will not be nice. But by not saying anything, is that just as bad or worse? I thought people want transparency, they want honesty. Or is that just lip service? I say I want honesty, but ignorance is bliss. What I don't know won't kill me... same for you? I want to do the right thing, but what is the right thing; the truth or silence...