I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! We took some family with us to church and then followed that up with a delicious buffet dinner at a local restaurant with Gramma Miller. I was in the beginning stages of a rotten, miserable cold that day. Yesterday was even worse. I wasn't even in the mood to talk to Shosh! It was a day where I wish my mom lived closer. As a mom, I am happy to put my needs below my daughter's. It is natural. But on a day where I am very much under the weather, it would be nice to be mothered than to mother! Mom always new how to make us feel better; it was her nature. I really missed that yesterday. I think I am a bit better today. I have a slight productive, painful cough, runny nose, aching muscles, fatigue, my lungs sounds like a straw in liquid blowing bubbles and the neatest part: changing my pj's once a night due to sweating! The weird part is I have no fever, but all the symptoms of one. Anyway, I still managed to get out on Easter and enjoy the day with family.
I love coffee. With cream. I am not allowed to have cream in my coffee with this new diet! Ugh. I am not a fan of black coffee. It is bitter and tasteless. But it's for the greater good. If this diet goes as it should, I will report happy stats to you in good time. Otherwise, I will never mention it again as just another fad/lame diet. With age comes some wisdom, and I have no unrealistic expectations for myself. I just want to be able to buy off the rack. So... for the ump-teenth time, here's to another go at another diet!
Donovan McNabb as a Redskin?! Can the world be ending?! There are two things I hate about off-season... well three: 1) No Football. It's bad, people... the withdrawals are bad. 2) Trading amongst players/teams. This latest trade would be a good example of this. McNabb as a Redskins is just wrong. Plus the Eagles have let go a lot of good players so far, so look for them to struggle this next season. What are they thinking about?! It doesn't help that I am living with an Eagles fan, but I hoped McNabb would be a career Eagle. I miss the days of loyalty. The salary cap could be to blame for that... I need to do more research on that aspect of the game to fully understand how it works. 3) Baseball started. Can they play any longer?! Their season runs from April to October! They hoard in on everyone elses season, their games interrupt a lot of prime time programs... Boo to baseball season!
My sister, Marcia, just made history in a way. She attended one of the very last space shuttle launches yesterday. Yes, folks, our shuttle program is just about that: History. Our king-leader of a President is cancelling all funding to the NASA program and making it into a global warming watch program (excuse the excessive eye rolling). Many people will be losing their jobs. Yet another example of American Exceptionalism thrown out the window. You know, Obama is just a joke. I really could rant on what he's doing to health care. I really could. But I won't. Since Tony and I have been married, we always got a refund at tax time. This year we owed. And you know what the only change was? Obama. You bet: here's your hope and CHANGE! We don't even make close to the ungodly *gasp* $250,000, but we still owed this year. I am really mad at all those people who voted emotionally and not logically this last presidential election. Revenge is no way to go. (and frankly, a lot of charges brought against Bush were indeed fabricated) But, now I am suffering for other people's ignorance. So, we have a (actual) health care crisis, a nearly non-existent space program, increased taxes, 10% unemployment rate.. and has anyone else noted to rising gas prices like we did 2 years ago?! Great Job, No-bama.
I must be getting older. All the "up and coming" stars look like they just learned how to write last week! Justin Bieber? He's cute as a 2 year old. Seriously. Did crushes I had in junior high look like this? I think they at least had facial hair! We watch plenty of cartoons in this house, including the Disney Channel. When did 16 become the new 28? Why do those girls dress like that? Someone should tell Miley, Demi, and Miranda what wearing high healed shoes like that does to your feet later in life (hello ugly bunions!). I am all for dressing in cute clothes, as long as they are age appropriate. And singing about adult issues they know NOTHING about?! You're 16 for crying out loud, surrounded by your little yes-man bubbles... what do you know about actual commitment and responsibility? But who do I blame? Disney, moms of tweens for buying this crap... it puzzles me. Or do I sound like an old geezer:) Bring it!
Thanks for indulging me. I promise no more rants for the month... just the mood I've been in lately. I think I'm better now... maybe. A little? *shrugs*