The start of the 3 mile. We're somewhere in this mess of people!
65. Heidi Miller, Joplin 43:08 (for females 19-24 group)
67. Annie Miller, Joplin 44:32 (for females 30-34 group)
42. Debbie Miller, Joplin 45:59 (for females 50-54 group)
(results taken from Great Falls Tribune)
We were all pretty much in the middle of our age groups. Not too shabby for our first Ice Breaker! We of course walked the 3 mile event. The weather was terrible until right before our event; then the clouds parted, the winds died down, and it was even a bit warm! Towards the end, we just went and did our own thing, but for the first 2.5 miles, we stuck together. What a fun, rewarding day!