... or in my house, Momma's Day! I hope everyone had a wonderful day. I sure did. Started off by working, but that isn't so bad. Then, came home to the cutest card Aria and Tony put together for me, along with some flowers (dandelions!) Aria picked. "You should have flowers for Mother's Day", she stated. We traveled to Havre to eat and then did the usual trip to Walmart, picked up some of this and that. I bought some bulbs and flower seeds and when we got home, Aria and I planted lots of flowers. We all did some yard work, which was actually nice considering how crap-tastic the weather's been lately. It was nice to be outdoors! We capped the evening off by sitting around out fire pit and roasting marshmallows and hot dogs. A good day.
I am so glad to have my mom, gramma, mother-in-law, and so many wonderful women around to set a great example of how a mom should be. I have many good friends who are also terrific moms. One of the most rewarding experiences in life is being a parent and I am so lucky to be among such an elite crowd! So to all you moms and especially my mom, Happy Mother's Day today and every day!