Saturday, January 15, 2011


So, here we are: 8 teams whittled down to 4 after this weekend. If there is one thing I can say about this football season it's this: unpredictable! Did anyone else see the Seahawks going this far? Green Bay, Chicago?! I have to admit some shock at some of these teams appearances this late in the season, but it has been that kind of year. And to be quite honest, I'm not a big follower or fan of ANY of these teams. I'm gonna have to hold my nose on some of these picks. I will admit something to you here. Last week, I cheered AGAINST the Colts! Here's why. When I made my picks for last week's games, I wasn't planning a trip to Hawaii or going to the Pro Bowl. I my picks, then got the call that we're going to Hawaii! Part of the reason for going was to take in the Pro Bowl game. I want nothing more than to see Peyton Manning for real. If his team advanced to the point that they would go to the Super Bowl, he probably wouldn't be at the Pro Bowl. Horrible I know. But it's the truth. Shame on the NFL for changing their schedule around so ALL NFL Pro Bowl nominees can't make the game. And making those of us who admire certain players cheer for their early departure from the game so we can have a shot at seeing them up close and personal. But, either way, I'm still pumped to see some of the leagues premiere players live and in action! This football junkie is floating on air!

Ravens @ Steelers: Okay. We all know this game should be low scoring and hard hitting. I think it will be close too. The one thing that makes this pick a bit easier is the high probability that Troy Polamalu will be starting. In my opinion, his presence in a game determines who wins or loses. He may not be 100%, but any team would probably want Polamalu at 75% than not at all. This guy is an animal and very fun to watch. Now the Ravens have lots of talent too: Boldin, T.J. Housh-man-whatever, Dickson, Heap and of course, Ray Lewis. I have liked the Ravens most of the year, but Steeler depth and recent experience in the playoffs, AND Polamalu have me in their corner. Steelers 13, Ravens 10.

Packers @ Falcons: In Brett's supposed last season, ever (we'll see?), how great is it that he watches his "I'm not gonna mentor him!" predecessor, Aaron Rodgers get this much closer to where Brett thought he might be again about a little over a year ago? It's too good. Rodgers has become one of the leagues hottest QBs and it was all without the help of almighty #4. Thank goodness, he might not be as stellar otherwise. Now we also have to mention this James Starks. He brought the Packers to a whole new level called the running game. My only concern with him is lack of experience in big games like this. Falcons really are new to the playoff scene too. Matt Ryan is becoming known, but nothing like Rodgers. Turner is good, but so is the Packer defense. I like what the Falcons have accomplished this season. They really are for real. But I just like the Packers overall for this one. Packers 21, Falcons 17.

Seahawks @ Bears: I'm really sorry people, but this game is my "What the...?!" game of the season. Seahawks are on the right track with Pete Carroll, are they Divisional contenders yet? "well, they beat the defending champs, do-it-for-Katrina Saints" you may say. That final run by Marshawn Lynch was good, but how many tackles did he break?! Eight. Eight! Saints were terrible that game. I say the Saints weren't a Super Bowl caliber team. Alot of how a team make the playoff depends on their standings in their division, and clearly Seahawks had much in their favor. They had some good plays and some pathetic defense to play against. They aren't at home this week. Apparently, Jay Cutler has much to prove this game: is he for real or not. I still have to be convinced of his greatness. Much depends on Cutler's attitude and we all know how crappy that is. If he can shove the ego aside, maybe he's on to something. But to me, this isn't the game that makes or breaks him. They should beat the Seahawks, whether Cutler shows up or not. Next week, we'll see what Cutler is made of. Bears 27, Seahawks 14.

Jets @ Patriots: Ladies and Gentlemen! This is your junior high smack down game of the week! Can these 2 teams act more like tweens or what?! It's almost pathetic. I did try for a while to give the Jets some respect this year. But Rex Ryan is about as easy to like as a root canal. He's an ass. Let's just be honest. And it's trickling down to his team. Their smack talk is about as desperate as one can get. Did they forget the butt kicking the Pats delivered just a little over a month ago? Now, I like the Patriots about as much as I like the Cowgirls, but they are the better team here. I'm no Tom Brady fan, but he's probably on his way to an MVP year. Bill Belichick is what Rex Ryan is not: Quiet and Brilliant. And I've liked the tad more subtle smack talk from the Pats side this week. Jets will be talking a lot next week, but it will be trying to explain their arrogant, over-cockiness, once again. Patriots 30, Jets 21.

So for NFC championship, it'll be Bears and Packers. For AFC championship it'll be Steelers and Patriots. Have a fun weekend!