Saturday, January 1, 2011

Week 17

First off, Happy 2011, everyone! I gotta say that the older I get the less and less I care about "New Year". The whole resolution thing is just silly. A person can make a change any time of the year. I have no problem with someone making a resolution, but it's not for me. Regardless, now we have to get used to writing "2011" or "'11" on everything and that always takes me a while to get used to! Any way, I hope that everyone had a nice holiday... reality sets in Monday.

On to Week 17. I am really sad to see Mike Singletary fired. Could the '9ers record have been better? I believe so. But a lot of the games they lost were thisclose. I'm of the opinion that management in the NFL is much like management in any other business. Decision are made based on short term outcomes, not long term. It's frustrating to see teams, like my '9ers, who will struggle for a lot longer than they need to just cuz management doesn't allow for any consistency in the coaching department. I have to be completely honest and say that at this point, I worry about the '9ers prospects next year as they will be learning another new coaching system. There are times when everything clicks and teams have successful years. But compare, long term for me, the teams who have tenured coaches to teams who change it up every couple of years. It's obvious who is more successful.

Vikings @ Lions: Is this "farewell Brett" part 20? Is this farewell Vikings? Who knows. The whole Metro dome collapsing on itself was a weird analogy for this team. I really want to see the Vikes stay in Minnesota. I hope they can get this done. (Let's remember tho, future contractors, that Minnesota has wet, wet, heavy snow and that ceiling you built was an accident waiting to happen!) Of course they are playing the Lions. Many predictor sites have the Lions taking this game. I don't think so! If there is one thing you can say about the Lions, it's that they lose and lose a lot. Vikings by 3.

Buccaneers @ Saints: If the Bucs lose this one, they're done. They've had a pretty good year, considering the last few years. Saints are disappointing; not even close to the same team they were last year. I'm going out on a limb here and saying the Bucs will pull of a win by 1.

Bears @ Packers: When I looked at these teams records, I was a bit surprised. I find it hard to believe the Bears are 11-4! I had to double take the Packers 9-6 record. I think the Packers are on the cusp of greatness. Take note Brett: the once rookie you pouted and moaned over having to mentor is about to make many say "Brett who?". Aaron Rodgers is getting better with time. Jay Cutler is about past his prime. Bears already have first-round playoff bye, the Packers need a win. Bears have nothing to really play for. Packers by 10.

Cowgirls @ Eagles: Pity the Cowgirls won't be hosting for the Super Bowl. Well, I guess they will, they'll just be serving drinks and hot dogs, not playing! Ha! The Eagles blew a bad game last week and have to settle #3 seed in the NFC. I like how the Eagles have progressed throughout the year. I would like to actually agree (swallowing hard) with Obama in saying how great it was to give Vick another shot. I really haven't seen evidence of the old Michael Vick: cocky, ball hog, who like to disrespect his team, coaches and home town crowd. He is humble and a real team player. What is Tucker Carlson's deal? He paid is debt and did his time. Now if he came back into the NFL and his behavior and attitude were unchanged, we would have a problem. But at this point, Michael Vick is a success story and needs to be given proper credit. I also think it helps that Tony Dungy has played a huge role in Michael Vick's recovery. Eagles by 14.

Rams @ Seahawks: A win for either of these teams gives them a shot at the playoffs. I don't see them making it past the first round, but a shot is a shot. Both these teams are pretty lack-luster in their seasons. It's really hard for me to think who win, but as the Seahawks are at home, I give them the win by 6.

Only posting 5 games as there is no Monday Night Football. So, enjoy the last week of regular season and have fun taking down your Christmas decorations (or not!).