Thursday, January 20, 2011

A rant, a prediction, and some happy stuff

Okay, it's more than A rant, it's a few. First off, that Gov. Bentley of Alabama has no reason to apologize in my book. Yeah, being a Christian is exclusive, but it's easy to join! Jeesh, these pathetic ACLU/ADL people remind me of the chicken off of Robot Chicken. You know at the beginning when the mad scientist brings the chicken "back to life" to watch TV clips. That's what these people do; they just scan papers and Internet sites and news reels till they see something to get their nose bent out of shape over. Aren't all "religions" kind of exclusive in their own way? The only reason this guy is singled out is because he said "Jesus Christ" and it wasn't in vain. Seriously, folks, there's serious infringement on the rights of Christians, esp. if you're conservative minded. We have every right to our opinion and beliefs as a crazy, welfare-sucking, mother-earth-loving liberal does!

Second, allowing my dog to sleep in my bed will NOT kill me!! Who are the morons who run these studies anyways?! More over, who are the morons who FUND these studies. So, one kid got meningitis, an elderly couple contracted MRSA... WE ARE ALL DOOMED APPARENTLY!!! I will admit, if one's dog or cat runs loose all day and comes home a mess and you just let them jump in bed, then, yes, you may get sick. But frankly, you deserve it! I'm really annoyed with our drive-by media. One person gets this or does that and we're all at risk! Unfortunately, a lot of people will hear this news and fall for it and more Fidos and FeeFees will be kicked outside, then pet populations will escalate and then the media will be in a tizzy over "How did our pet population boom so quickly?!" Well, it's because you don't shut up long enough and leave people alone. Let the public eat all the McDonalds Happy Meals they want, buy all the Walmart food they can, and sleep with their pets on the bed in peace!

Third, the lady tripping into the fountain while texting was hilarious. She was so engrossed in texting, that she had no clue where she was and SPLOOSH! (note how popular she was that she was alone) It was funny. A classic AFV clip for sure, and a nice reminder to all (sad, pathetic) who text more than pay attention. Now, she caught wind of the incident and rather laugh it off like a normal person, she's getting a lawyer. She claims no one helped her and the security guards laughed at her. Perhaps all her texting buds should've been actually with her and this whole hilarious tragedy could've been prevented. Remember kids, a stupid phone doesn't replace real people... ever. And the lawyer who takes this case should be disbarred.

Okay. There. Now, on to NFC and AFC. I got all teams but the Pats right. For the NFC Packers are at the Bears. I like the Packers. Aaron Rodgers is smokin', the offensive line is giving him plenty of time to scan the field, the defense is solid. I saw some flaws in the Bears against the Seahawks. They make those same mistakes against the Packers and the Bears will certainly lose. Bears will probably make adjustments. Packers will too. I'm thinking the Packers have even more to show the Bears than what we've seen so far. Packers to take the NFC and into the Super Bowl! Packers 21, Bears 16. The AFC has the Jets at the Steelers. I didn't like watching the Jets win last week. Not that I like watching the Pats win, I just like watching the Jets win even less. The Jets will be facing a hard-hitting defense in the Steelers. While Sanchez is doing very well, this is his 2nd season. I think the pressure will get to him. I have really not been impressed with Big Ben this year, but he's a bit more reliable than Sanchez is. Granted, the Jets have knocked off the Colts and the Patriots, but 3 for 3?! It would be remarkable, but I don't think it will be done. Steelers 24, Jets 20.

Now, the next couple of weeks will be fun-filled, packed-to-the-max excitement around here. I mentioned last week about our trip to Hawaii (which is AWESOME!). We leave Jan. 29. But I'm not really thinking about that right now. Jan. 22, my sister, niece and brother-in-law are here for 5 days! I'm so happy they'll be here. Marcia and Daniel have been married 10 years and this is the first time Daniel will have ever been in our home and the 2nd time only for Marcia. And to spend time with Reagan will just be the best. So many people around here have their family close by. It makes me a little jealous sometimes. I guess it makes me really cherish the times we do get to hang out together. The only down side is the weather may prevent us from taking in some local sites but sitting at home just talking is just as good. Yay, I can't wait to see them!