What happened yesterday is a sad moment in history. "A triumphant Speaker Nancy Pelosi compared the legislation to the passage of Social Security in 1935 and Medicare 30 years later." Yeah, look how well those are doing today.
"Pelosi added that the bill would also reduce drug costs for seniors, prevent insurance companies from charging women more than men for the same coverage, and would allow young adults to stay on their parents' insurance until their 27th birthdays. She also promised that the bill would add 'not one dime to the deficit.'" If it's too good to be true, it probably is. As a health care professional, this makes me sick. One of the biggest issues, aside from soaring taxes and massive waiting lists is this: what was one of the biggest complaints about health care in the recent past? Answer: HEALTH CARE WORKER SHORTAGES!!!! Do they think insuring everyone will resolve this issue as well. Hell no! It will compound an already horrible situation. Wake up, people! If you already have to wait 2 hours to see a doctor because of short staffing in clinics, think how much worse it will be if you can see a doc cuz your nose is runny (I may be exaggerating a bit, but not by much. Don't believe me, go to an ER on a weekend or holiday when Indian Health Service is closed.) Government can't run health care. Medicaid, Medicare, IHS... should be proof enough of that. Plus, health care does not need to be reformed. Who among us has had poor health care? It happens, but so does getting the wrong order at a restaurant, or buying a article of clothing that falls apart the first time you wear it. I would be willing to bet that if you go to the hospital sick, you go home well or at least on the way to recovery. It helps to be pro-active in your care, but if you go to your follow up appointments, let your doc know of any changes, I'm pretty sure your healthcare is fine. Now, insurance pricing needs some work, pre-existing conditions need to go... there are things that need to change. But we here in America have great healthcare! The only thing that needs to change are the people running our government!!!