It's supposed to be in the 60's today. The urge to decorate for Christmas is very tempting. I am trying to decide if I should start now or wait till I get back from Georgia. I like to have everything done around Thanksgiving. I will be gone however, so I usually would do it before I left. Well, I work every day of the week before we leave, so that puts me decorating between now and next week if I want to come home to a Christmasy house December 2. Plus, we decorated at the Art Center for Christmas yesterday to coincide with the show we are doing this month... I am in the Christmas spirit for sure! All the decorations are up in Great Falls already too.
Heidi and I went to Great Falls together this past Tuesday for a girls day out. The real reason to go was to see Michael Jackson's This Is It movie. But also to get out of town for a day. The movie was not at all what I expected, but it was still interesting. I kinda expected it to be like a dress rehearsal, but it took some of the producers highlights and interviews with the various dancers and musicians and mixed that with some rehearsal footage. The sets were amazing, the band sounded incredible, the dancers were unbelievable, but Michael... hard to say. He could still move a little, but it wasn't anything close to 20 years ago. Was he saving himself for the actual performances or was what we were seeing it? He did a duet with one of his background vocalist and she was spot-on. He was, well, pitchy. He would move around his dancers: was it cuz he was checking their accuracy or because he couldn't do what they were doing? I guess I still had a bunch of unanswered questions as to his ability to perform 50 concerts. I don't think 50 is old, but I think 50 is different than 25 or even 30. Not only that, but he has not preformed in nearly a decade. I was stunned at his appearance: gaunt, frail, and his eyes seriously had a lifelessness about them. Perhaps he realized how great a feat he was about to take on, and maybe was getting overwhelmed by it. I think he was constantly chasing the Thriller days, when he should've been grateful for that moment in history maybe no one else will get to experience. I did have a major eye rolling moment at the movie when it threw some environmental propaganda at us. Obviously, Michael was an environmentalist, and he was gonna include some of it in his show, but for the movie to dedicate as much time as it did to "the earth has a fever" and "we have only 4 more years before the damage is irreversible" was maddening. Drop that crap and show some more songs!! I really liked the Thriller and Smooth Criminal sets. I have had an increased interest in Michael Jackson since his death, as a medical person and as a music enthusiast. The movie did not delve into anything post June 25, so some questions were left unanswered, perhaps on purpose? BTW~ this was the first movie theater I have been to since I was 7 months preggers with Aria. To which Heidi quipped, "Wow. I don't know to be proud of you or feel really sorry for you!" Funny girl, that one. Anyway, we did have a great time. We had been planning this day for a long time, so it came slowly and went too quickly, not surprisingly. We'll have to go again, SOON!
I was almost prepared to post my predictions for week 9 today, cuz the NFL network advertising made it sound like Thursday games started today. But it actually starts next week (way to get my hopes up, tho... good job, boys!), so due to today's longer post, I will save that for another post. Now... should I start pulling out the Christmas stuff... decisions, decisions!