Dear Bicycle Enthusiast:
Today, you nearly killed me. Tho this wasn't the first nor will it be the last time this will happen.
I was coming home from work and as you probably know very well, we have lots of rolling hills. These rolling hills have what we call blind sides, as you don't know what is on the other side of them. You, Mr. Bicyclist, traveling east and I west, made the car in the same lane as you swerve around you so they wouldn't hit you. They almost hit me instead. This incident occurred on a blind rolling hill. Please realize, Mr. Bicyclist, that most of our beloved Highway 2 doesn't have much shoulder room. You truly are a road hazard.
While you say you pay taxes for the roads so you have every right to use them, I say that same logic should be applied to sidewalks: I have every right to drive my car on the sidewalk cuz my taxes paid for it. Um... der, no. See how irrational that is? We also on the highway, are in a vehicle made of metals, and plastics and steels, are (hopefully) wearing a seat belt and surrounded by airbags. You have a safety helmet. And really revealing shorts on. I understand this is your hobby, and while I think you are a tree-hugging, environment-wacko hippie (and you may not be, but to me you are), you do have every right to travel this way. I am at a loss for how this could be "a fun way to see the country" as most of the time you're attempting to ride a 2 inch wide shoulder, fight scorching heat, pelting rain and around here treacherous winds, but whatever floats your boat. Just understand most of us around here find you pretentious, smelly, and hazardous. And use our parks like your personal hotel room.
While I will try very hard to co-exist with you during the summer months here on the hi-line, realize most of us as we pass you only are waving so we don't do something else to you instead.
A White-knuckled Motor Enthusiast
(dedicated to my sister-in-law/neighbor... who, just like me and numerous others, risks her life on the very same road everyday and gave me the inspiration to write this) =D