Saturday, September 12, 2009

*sing*"It's the most wonderful time of the year"... wait a minute

Well, I survived turning 30! It was a pretty good day. Mom came up to visit for a couple of days, including on my b-day, I was taken out to lunch by Joette and Shana, had lots of phone calls and nice cards and gifts. The biggest surprise was a balloon and flower bouquet including a black rose from Shana and Eric. It was thoughtful and hilarious at the same time. I ended the day with a visit from Heidi and of course football!!! What a great way to start the NFL season. That game was way more low scoring than I thought and went into OT for added drama. I hope Polamalu recovers quickly, not for Steelers fans sake (they aren't as tough without him), he is so fun to watch! I am 0-1 in my predictions however, but it was still a great game. I will be gone this weekend as Tony is taking me to Great Falls for a late b-day getaway (and he worked a 60 hour week this week, I hardly saw him even on my bday!). So I'll leave my week 1 prediction here now and hopefully catch a game or two as the weekend progresses.

Minnesota @ Cleveland: Lots of changes between these two teams. Not sure how Cleveland will respond right away to Mangini and his staff, but they had a lot going for them last year and the year before. Perhaps coaching change will push them over that 10-5 season. Brett Favre. If you don't know how I feel about him, look back through this blog... you'll find I am not a fan. And any team that is "blessed" with his presence, is doomed. However, I think Minnesota has a bit of Favre-itis, so I think they'll be hot for the first few games of the season. I am predicting Minnesota over Cleveland by 14.

Kansas City @ Baltimore: Kansas City acquired Matt Cassel over the off season, and he went and got himself injured already. Nice. KC is rebuilding, and Baltimore's D is always tough. Bad combo here. Poor O against a tough D. Also am impressed with Baltimore's QB, Flacco. Baltimore should win this easily. This will be my shut-out game: Baltimore 17, KC 0.

Jacksonville @ Indianapolis: The Colts have a new head coach. Jacksonville always seems like they have a good team, they just can never win. I think the Colts will be pretty good this year, but will have some kinks to work out in the beginning. I will miss Tony Dungy for sure. I really like Peyton Manning, but am wondering how long he has left to return to a championship or if his day in the sun is over. Indianapolis 14, Jacksonville 10.

Washington @ NY Giants: Speaking of Manning's, Eli will be the Manning brother to watch. I like Tom Coughlin more and more each season. But I like Jim Zorn pretty well, too. I think the Giants have championship caliber potential and the Redskins aren't too far behind. This should be a fun game. Giants by a field goal, 20-17.

Chicago @ Green Bay: Aaron Rodgers has stepped into Green Bay and done pretty good, considering Favre wouldn't give him the time of day when he arrived. They are a solid team, but not as good as the Bears. I hate to say that mostly because of Jay Cutler. Cutler seems to think he's God's gift to football and life in general. A shot or 100 of humility would do him some good, but he's got Lovie Smith and a good D and O to help boost his ego. The Bears will dominate this game 24-14.

San Diego @ Oakland: Speaking of ego's, hello Philip Rivers. If only Rivers could play on the opposing team, perhaps that would bring him down a notch or two. Oakland is a disaster. The Lions '08 record is up for grabs, maybe Oakland will be in the running to take the crown. As one sports commentator put it, welcome to Oakland the Black Hole. BTW, I think LT is past his prime. San Diego 28, Oakland 7.

So enjoy week one everyone! On a personal note, my '9ers play the Cardinals. Arizona is out to prove last year wasn't a fluke and my '9ers are hoping for a better season. Should be a good division game. Good news for me, Alex Smith is not starting... season already looks good!