Thursday, December 17, 2009

Back to the NFL... week 15 already?!

As the season winds down, so are many teams. The surprising stat to me is the decline the once clear dominate AFC. The only team with any consistency to speak of is the Colts. And this conference includes the Patriots, Steelers, Titans, Ravens... you get the idea. But like the economy, there are ups and downs in the NFL. Perhaps the AFC is going thru a recession?

Colts vs. Jaguars: Tonight's game is sure to be a barn burner, unless Caldwell keeps his starters on the sidelines to rest for playoffs. The Colts have already clinched their division and home field advantage. What else is there to prove? 14-0? They've already surpassed New England 21-0 regular season game streak by getting 22-0 last week. I wonder about the Colts ability to play consistently if "rested" for the last 2 weeks of regular season. Past seasons would point to this being a terrible idea. Peyton seems to lose his timing if he sits out the remaining games. I say play 'em and keep 'em sharp, but I am pretty sure my coach/couch ratio is low. Still Colts should defeat the Jags in a no-meaning division game by 10.

Dallas vs. New Orleans: Dallas is living up to their disappointing December to a tee, much to my delight. Where is our darling Tony Romo when we need him?! Oh yeah, going to Vegas, AGAIN! HA! The Saints are becoming the new media darlings, and really with good reason. When they brought in Sean Payton as head coach a few years back, the difference was noticeable almost immediately. Now, having Katrina to fight with that same year gave them obvious morale, but they've grown tremendously. I have never been a Saints fan, but 13-0 is nothing to sneeze at. Saints should clean the floor with Dallas, by 14.

49ers vs. Eagles: Tensions may be high in our house as our respective teams duke it out on Sunday. We have the church Christmas program to distract us, tho, so maybe it won't be so bad! Eagles have the lead in their division over the Cowgirls and Giants and another win would push them closer to clinching their division. While my '9ers have struggled, they are coming off a huge win last week against the Cards and *stammer* Alex Smith has come to play! An Eagles win would put a nail in the Cowgirl coffin, which I am %100 for, but the '9ers could use another win! Aw, who am I kidding?! '9ers by 6.

Bengals @ Chargers: A sad day in the Bengal locker room on the passing of their rising, yet troubled WR, Chris Henry. Another story of how poor decisions, lots of money, and notoriety usually don't bode well in the sports arena. Can we hear one story of how our sports heroes stay out of trouble, respect their marriage vows, abstain from drug use? There are way more do-gooders out there aren't there? There are, they just don't make headlines. Anyway, this may have been a good game as the Bengals were gaining some ground and the Chargers continue to get (undeserved) media props. But, another chapter is added to the Bengals drama script, and this will be an understandable distraction. Chargers will win, but not with my blessing, by 7.

Vikings @ Panthers: Where to begin? Brett was his usual smug self at the press conference following last week's game clinching a playoff spot. Others see it as charming and self deprecating, but if you've followed Brett like I have, it's really selfishness. He really thinks he's doing this single handedly and if it weren't for him, the Vikings wouldn't be in this position. I still think he's on the verge of some sort of breakdown, either mentally or physically, but I am quite sure they're not going to the Super Bowl. For Brett, that is great, for Vikings fans, that's not so great. The Panthers, once very dominate, are clearly struggling. I'd like to see them win (surprised?), however, by 4.

Giants vs. Redskins: Another division game, but with no meaning really for the Redskins, but a win for the Giants would put them over the Cowgirls and that sounds good to me! I don't know what happened to the Giants mid season. They were 6-0 to start, and now they are 7-6. You never know till is over, or almost over. Giants by 12.

Awww... good to be back! Yah football!