The third day started off by getting Aria a princess makeover. It was all Marcia's idea and Aria ate up the attention all day. Marcia bought the dress and shoes and eBay, then we brought her to a place where they convert little girls into princesses for the day. Aria picked out the hairstyle and they did the rest.

Getting started. Her stylist was from Brooklyn... her accent cracked me up!

Placing the crown

The reveal. Aria didn't see anything till the final result. Her face says it all...
Then off to Magic Kingdom. I have been to this park before, like nearly 15(!) years ago for Life '95, a youth convention affiliated with the C & M Alliance Church. I remembered bits and pieces, but lots have changed since then. And experiencing it with a 3 year old is a whole new level of fun! Aria met some more Disney characters, took in some rides, a parade, funnel cake, fireworks, oh my!

On the ferry to the Magic Kingdom.

Waiting for the parade.

Waving at her favorites!

The castle looks like it's made of sugar at night! It is soo pretty. I want one.

One of my fav pix from the trip.:)

I love the long exaggerated hug for Mickey!

Taken on the Small World Ride. I love my sister:D

Marcia took this gem on the Mad Hatter Tea Cup ride. We rode this twice!

We took a few minutes to rest our tired feet and Aria played in a toddler-only play area. She met this little cutie, Nicholas, and it was love at first sight. She chased him for maybe 15 - 20 minutes. At one point he ran into his mom's arms, and Aria pulled him down and demanded "RUN!". His mom and us thought it was pretty funny. I took this picture just to email to her. Our kids first date... how time flies *sigh*.

About 1130 pm: Princess is too pooped to change to pj's!
Just in case someone who journeyed with me to Florida in '95 is reading this, I did not go through a garbage can, flip over a turn-style or make friends with imaginary dogs this time. ^_^