The evening we went to the Osborne Family Dancing Light Spectacle. It was awesome! 5 million lights that flashed to music. I took some video, but my blog won't let me upload any video. Pictures don't do it any justice, but if you like lights like I do, this is a must! Think of the most impressive light display you've ever seen and multiply it by a million times 5... you'll get something close to this.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Epcot/Osborn Family Dancing Lights
Our second day was spent at Epcot Center. There just wasn't enough time to take in everything this park has to offer. We hit the highlights, but still missed a lot! One of the neat shows we went to was where Crush, from Finding Nemo, interacts with the audience. That kind of technology is amazing to me. Even his facial expressions matched what he was saying! In real time!
The famous Epcot Center. Inside is actually just a ride and it's a bit on the lame side. It's the history of writing and starts off (cue booming voice) "Millions of years ago!..." you get the idea. Lots of neat animitronic scenes, but a bit of a disappointment for one of the most recognizable structures in the world, I think.
Aria on the fountain to the entrance of my favorite spot in the park: Morocco. Other than Victorian style, this is my favorite decorating style. I love the colors, patterns, textures of the Moroccan theme. It's in my bedroom, so I'm always looking for inspiration.
Waiting for Daniel's favorite ride, Soarin'. It simulates flying and it was fun. Aria really liked it.
Our self portrait.
The evening we went to the Osborne Family Dancing Light Spectacle. It was awesome! 5 million lights that flashed to music. I took some video, but my blog won't let me upload any video. Pictures don't do it any justice, but if you like lights like I do, this is a must! Think of the most impressive light display you've ever seen and multiply it by a million times 5... you'll get something close to this.
They blew "snow" between songs and it was like Aria has never seen snow before. She was completely mesmerized by it!

Apparently, this was a private collection from the Osborne family from Arkansas, I think. Everything in this display was on their home and homes surrounding theirs they purchased just to decorate. Not sure if it was donated or sold to Disney, but it is on display at Disney now during the holidays. For example, the big Christmas tree was on top of their house over the kitchen window. One wonders what their electric bill looked like in January! Or what they did when a strand went out!!
The evening we went to the Osborne Family Dancing Light Spectacle. It was awesome! 5 million lights that flashed to music. I took some video, but my blog won't let me upload any video. Pictures don't do it any justice, but if you like lights like I do, this is a must! Think of the most impressive light display you've ever seen and multiply it by a million times 5... you'll get something close to this.