We celebrated my birthday while I was in Georgia. Reagan got to help open presents!
I love Reagan's face in this pic! Shosh and I are doing what sisters do: talktalktalktalktalk! and Reagan is held hostage in the situation:)
Here is a pic from Reagan's dedication on Sunday. Pastor Glen did a wonderful job. He and his wife took us out for lunch afterwards. They are a neat couple.
This is my first pic of the trip and the first time I saw Reagan... note what the pj's say:)
And if she isn't cute enough, she's a thumb sucker!!! How sweet is that (well, till she's like 4 and can't break the habit)
Beautiful Mom and Daughter
Can you tell we're related?!
Reagan is a most pleasant baby. She smiles a LOT!
Baby cha-cha!
See what I mean? Well, maybe I'm funny looking;)
Love that grin!
It's funny how when one talks to a baby, our expressions are more amusing than the baby's!
On to one of our tourist-y moments... Pebble Hill Plantation. A beautiful, stately estate located a bit south of Thomasville, Georgia (Thomasville is a slice of heaven on earth. It's like stepping into the early 1900's when you visit this town. Love it, love it!) We also visited a cool house, the Lapham-Patterson House, but our tour guide was, well, off. He wasn't right in the head or something, so that was sort of disappointing, but the house was cool enough to compensate for his lack-there-of. When people talk of southern charm (except a creepy tour guide!), I think they are talking about Thomasville.
My "stately" secret garden moment?!
Seriously, this area reminded my a lot of The Secret Garden.
This plantation was more a sporting locale than a crop/farming plantation. In fact, the tour guide stated this place never had slaves. The house is filled with awards that horses and dogs had won over the years from different shows/contests they were entered in. Here are some horses still kept on site for wagon rides (talk about gentle giants!). The place is used now mostly for weddings and conventions.
Lots of picturesque moments!
Here is another Secret Garden photo op.
This is the Big Oak right in downtown Thomasville. It is the biggest tree I've ever seen. The sign confirms it.
A favorite pic of the Smith Family
That is Shosh walking in this pic. You kinda get an idea of how big this tree is!
The whole tree as you pull up to it. There is a camera situated across the street from this tree and if you call a phone number listed on the back of the Big Oak sign, that camera will take your pic and post it on the Big Oak website. It's funny how many people have their pix taken with the phone to their ear as the countdown to when the camera actually takes your pic isn't very clear! We have 2 pix on there and they are kinda funny!
Now the following pix are goofy. We were tired/bored/easily amused when these were taken (and there are wwwaaayyy more than what I posted!). We were trying to get Daniel to smile (and we did) but I love Shosh's face in this pic:)
I love my sister!
Getting crazy...
Oh boy!
Here she is, my beautiful niece with her daddy!
When I first arrived, Reagan really showed no interest in playing with toys. The day before I left, she was totally digging the toys, esp. on this play mat! It's amazing how much they learn in a short time! She's a smart tyke!
It was so hard leaving these guys. I am glad to be home with my own family, back in our usual routine, but it was a nice change for a week. If only they lived a bit closer!