Anyway, Aria was finally able to meet her baby cousin, Reagan, last weekend (as was Uncle Tony). She was on Cloud 9! She talks about Rea-Rea all the time; all the toys she's gonna give her, she will teach her to draw and roller-skate, she even wants to share clothes with her! I'm hoping someday, these 2 can actually do these things together... but for now, the times we get to spend are sweet but too short!
I love this pic... Sisters and Daughters:)
Grandparents with their 2 granddaughters
Aria just wanted to play and play... Reagan may have gotten quite an intro to that!
Reagan didn't know what to think of Uncle Tony's beard, we think!
Aria says, "she's so wiggly!"
Aria just admired her, saying, "oh! She's so cute" or "are ya, hungry, baby cousin?"
See what mean? Happiest girl on earth:)
I love how in most of these pix, Aria and Reagan are just in awe of the other!:)
A huge thank you to Daniel's sister and brother-in-law, Stephanie and Rob, who invited us to their wedding so we could spend the afternoon hanging out with everyone. That was so kind of them, and we enjoyed the day immensely!