Saturday, September 18, 2010

NFL Week 2: YAY!!!

Ok, so here we are week 2! I watched most of week 1 (and I say most as a little beauty aka Reagan was distracting me from much of the games last week!) in the comfort of my sister's home in Georgia. No posts for week 1 for that reason. Following previous tradition, I pick 6 games (really it's quite random) and predict who I think will win and how. I will also add a few comments regarding this Ines Saitz/Jets fiasco mostly as an FYI for everyone, cuz I know how much you care;)!

Ravens @ Bengals: Ravens did the "unexpected" by beating the Jets last week. It wasn't dominate, but it still was a "W" in the column. I still think the combo of Chad Ochocinco and Terrell Owens is asking for more trouble than J-Lo, Mariah Carey, Leann Rimes and Britney Spears put together for diva of the year award. Could be wrong, but I think that is a nightmare waiting to happen. I like the Ravens to win by 10.

Steelers @ Titans: I have kinda liked the Titans (not just because there is a local northern Montana boy playing there now either). I like that Jeff Fisher has been the head coach there for longer than I can remember. It means consistency in my book. The Titans have been thisclose for a long time. Not sure if this is their year, but with the Steelers playing again without Roethlisberger (any lessons learned yet, Big Ben?) their offensive game is admittedly suffering. Steelers defense will be good, but Titans will win by 6.

Seahawks @ Denver: You know, I like what McDaniels is doing with Tebow. He's giving him time to develop, mature, learn the game... and it's driving the media and fans crazy! I like it. No need to rush fellas, Tebow will get his chance. I scoff at sports journalists who, after just 1 week, have written off so many teams, including my 49ers from last week's game against the Seahawks. The '9ers are getting better (I'd like to personally give Alex Smith a whooping for his lack of disrespect for his coaching staff, tho... I never was on board with that brat!), and a first week "rookie" coach's luck for Pete Carroll is no reason to give the 'gulls a pass. Denver, almost pains me to say, will win by 7.

Patriots @ Jets: Ooooh! for the unnecessary media firestorm surrounding the Jets all week. That has to distract, what with all those female reporters clamoring for their big interview! HA! *I'll discuss this more after my predictions are made at the end of this post* Mr. Gisele Bundchen... oh, wait! he's making more than her now! apparently was unfazed by his little fender bender last week. Jets, kinda ate a big heap of humble pie last week and I look for the Patriots to serve up another slice or 10 as they put the Jets in their place. Pats by 12.

Giants @ Colts: Manning Bowl! Yes! Folks, I have to admit, I like this match up. Both teams are good. Brother vs. Brother. It's waiting for Hollywood to write a script it's that good! The Colts were dealt an embarrassment last week (they lost to the Texans!), the Giants took it to a mediocre team at best. I think Peyton and Co. have some 'splainin' to do, so Colts will win by 3.

Saints @ 49ers: I love my '9ers, but how did they snag a Monday Night Football game?! Is it because they're playing the New Orleans Katrina... er, I mean Saints? The media is just stupid over that still. Opening kickoff and wouldn't you know they're still sniffing and slobbering over something that happened 5 years ago... and was totally preventable (as far as lives lost I mean. Anyone knows you can't control the weather, right? RIGHT?!) Well, the Saints won the Super Bowl and now New Orleans has a reason to live. Bless their hearts. I am not a Saints fan (wasn't even before Katrina; they're in the same division as the '9ers), but this gives me more fuel for my anti-Saints fire! They are a fine team, obviously, but they're playing the '9ers on home turf. And the '9ers also have some 'splainin' to do. 49ers by 1.

Now, I'll try to keep this short and sweet. Women DO NOT belong in men's locker rooms. Get over it Pam Oliver. I know it's no longer the 1950's but when is it ever okay for women and men to be in the same bathroom/shower/locker room? Umm... you better say never. What question can't wait till everyone is showered, changed and in the press room? And to be clear, I watched a few interviews with Ines Sainz herself and she tweeted she was "dying from embarrassment" not from the comment understandably lobbed her direction, but that she was in a roomful of naked men! She admitted she knew her dressing the way she does does illicit comments, but she "ignores" them or "pretends to not hear" them. Those were her exact comments. Plus, if she wants to be taken seriously as a professional, try dressing like one. If you're going to enter a locker room full of naked men dressed like a hooker, you'll be treated like a hooker and not a journalist. Which is a job she only has because of her looks. Last time I checked, "Woman" wasn't part of the criteria to get a job; skills and competence were. Honestly, does she even know what a 1st down is, what "LB" stands for, the difference between what a punt and a kick-off are? If she is truly good at her job, she wouldn't need to grossly over-compensate for her lack-there-of by dressing like a hussy. The media did blow this out of proportion, they took a few comments and turned it into a sexual harassment suit; even Ms. Saitz admits she never felt threatened in any way. A couple of Jets' get their flirt on, we have a provocatively dressed "reporter" and suddenly we have a lawsuit! Leave it to our typical, swing-left-template media to turn this into a all out bashing of men in general again in jumping into conclusions about the "piggish" Jets and the "poor defenseless" reporter. Who's in charge here? National Organization of Women?! Go bother someone other than the NFL... Roger Goodell is grovelling enough to the players union as it is!

Now, ignore the ding-bat female sideline reporters (Andrea Kramer, this means you!), pay close attention to those who know what they're doing (Suzy Kolber is a good start) and enjoy the 2nd week in the NFL!