Saturday, September 25, 2010

NFL Week 3

Ok, I'm gonna try multi-tasking here: do my week 3 picks and keep an eye on some of the neighborhood kids (who decided today that my house is fun to hang out at:D) and Aria at the same time! Here I go...

Cowboys @ Texans: How 'bout them Cowboys?! I love it!!! In a year where they wanted to play the Super Bowl as they are also hosting it, they aren't starting off so hot. I maintain that while you may have lots of "stars" on the team, it does you absolutely no good if you can't play as a team. They are playing state rivals Texans on their turf. Cowgirls will fall to 0-3 and Texans will continue their hot streak and go to 3-0. Texans by 10.

49ers @ Chiefs: Whoa! What is going on in KC?! Now the Chiefs did beat the Browns last week... so can we really get too excited? The 49ers were thisclose to beating the Saints. This is too easy for me. 49ers by 7.

Chargers @ Seahawks: Both teams are 1-1 going into week 3. Both teams are kind of in the "meh" category of playoff contention. The Seahawks are coming off a spanking from the Broncos last week and the Chargers did the spanking against the Jaguars. Seahawks have home field advantage and they will be my pick to win by 3.

Colts @ Broncos: This could've been a good game. But, after the tragic death of Kenny McKinley earlier this week, Denver will obviously be reeling from the week's events and make it hard to put a solid game plan together, esp. against a tough team like the Colts. I'm sure the Broncos staff is doing all they can to assure that doesn't happen, but if there is one thing even a professional can't always do, it's control emotions. Colts by 14.

Jets @ Dolphins: A good division match up for Sunday evening's game. I have not given the Jets proper respect, so this weekend, we'll see if they live up to some of their hype. But listen Jets, this is it. If you win, I'll watch you more closely. If you lose (to the Dolphins!!! Remember who partly owns them!), I will put you in the proper category of wanna-be's and leave it alone. Jets by 3 in OT.

Packers @ Bears: Another division game with teams who are 2-0. I'm liking the Packers for this game. The Bears wins did come against the Lions and the Cowgirls, so there's that. Aaron Rodgers is making Brett Favre look like a fool (another reason to pull for the Pack)! If the Packers come out gunnin' for Cutler, it should be easy for them to win this one. Packers by 10.

Happy watching week 3 to all!